Category: Personal Injury Mediation

How PTSD Will Effect a New Generation of Soldiers

Post-traumatic stress disorder occurs after a person has been through an intense, frightening event, such as exposure to combat. Not everyone who experiences war gets PTSD, and it is unclear why some do and others do not. Circumstances that increase your chances of getting PTSD include how intense the event was, how long it lasted, […]

The 5 Key Members of a Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation Team

The settlement funding from successful personal injury litigation should cover the cost of the rehabilitation process, but what types of therapy are required after a spinal cord injury? Read on to find out. The road to recovery after a spinal cord injury (SCI) is a long and arduous one. When a person’s abilities to move […]

Mirena IUD Caused Injury? You May Be Eligible for Compensation

  Many women today use some form of contraception as a way to plan the size of their families. While most birth control is safe to use, other forms cause women to suffer serious health problems. Bayer Pharmaceutical’s Mirena IUD in particular has proven to be one of the more detrimental forms of birth control […]

What You Need To Know If A Dog Bites You

Dog bites can cause life-threatening injuries. Even small dogs can render a victim powerless and inflict serious harm. Depending on the breed, nature, and temperament of the dog, the bite can be fatal. Most states hold the owner liable for all damages when it is clear that the dog attacked without provocation. Some states disregard any provocation […]

Personal Injury Claims in UK

More often at times of accident some other person or maybe something else might be responsible for causing personal injury to the victim who have a right to claim for compensation. Every year across millions of people are getting injured in accidents either at home, while driving car, working at their workplace or at any […]

Yaz, Yasmin Blood Clot Risk Cited in Thousands of Personal Injury Lawsuits

  Overview: Yaz and Yasmin birth control pills were highly popular and heavily advertised when they first hit the market, but now the oral contraceptives are making headlines over reports that they may cause deadly blood clots. There are some 12,000 Yaz or Yasmin personal injury lawsuits in US, and only a fraction have been […]

Developing Useful Conflict Resolution Skills

The following is a guest blog post by Letha Townsend discussing effective mediation skills, including conflict resolution skills, which can be useful in a personal injury setting. No matter how much you grow and learn, there will still be conflicts in your life. Effective conflict resolution skills will continue to benefit you throughout the years. […]