Category: PI Claims Blawg

Insurance Companies Try to Deny Claims Using “Pre-Existing Injuries” as an Excuse

Pre-Existing Injuries “Pre-existing injuries” is an injury one has before an accident. The term is used for the excuse used by many insurance companies to avoid awarding compensation to people who make claims against them when they have sustained an injury in an accident. However, it is extremely rare for an individual to make a […]

Room for improvement, says PiP implant review

I was interested to read Lord Howe’s recent report into the response by UK regulators to the PiP breast implant scandal. This found that the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) and the Department of Health had acted properly, but that lessons needed to be learned. Problems with breast implants manufactured by the Poly […]

Study Finds 30% of Teen Drivers Involved in a Car Crash Suffer Head Injuries

A new report from The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and State Farm Insurance indicates that teen drivers are at significant risk for suffering a head injury as the result of a car accident. The study looked at car accidents involving approximately 55,000 teen drivers and their passengers who were seriously injured in 2009 and […]

Possible trends in personal injury 2012

As many will know, big changes are coming in the lucrative personal injury market. Personal injury has certainly been the most lucrative legal niche outside of the big corporate law firms, and many smaller firms have entered into the market seeking to exploit the relatively low risk and high reward whiplash claim market, which many […]

Vehicle Accidents: Facts, Safety Tips, and What To Do After An Accident

Automobile accidents are in the top 10 causes of death in the United States, so it’s no wonder that one can’t watch television or walk down the street without seeing a personal injury lawyer advertisement for those injured, or worse, in vehicle related accidents. In 2009, there were 10.8 million vehicle accidents in the U.S. […]