Category: Road Traffic Accident Compensation

Knowing Your Rights:  5 Facts You May Not Know About Car Accident Cases and Compensation Rights

Contribution regarding car accident compensation from a personal injury lawyer in the US.  Human error causes over 90 percent of the car crashes in West Virginia. Typically, these crashes are not “accidents.” Rather, they involve negligence, which is a lack of ordinary care. If that is the case, substantial compensation may be available with the […]

European Commission Proposes Legal Action to Reduce Road Traffic Accident Fatalities

A key priority of the European Commission’s recently announced Third Mobility Package is to bring about a significant reduction in the number of people killed or seriously injured through road traffic accidents across Europe. In support of this aim, the Package includes a proposal that within three years all new vehicles brought to the market […]

Involved in a Rideshare Accident (Taxi, Uber, Lyft) – Do You Need a Personal Injury Lawyer?

The chances are that you have used or are using a rideshare app such as Uber or Lyft as a means of transportation. Thanks to its ease of use, reasonable pricing, and convenience, ridesharing has become the preferred means of traveling from one destination to another. Although its popularity continues to soar, there is no […]

Driven to Distraction: Making a Foreign Car Accident Injury Claim

New contribution regarding foreign car accident injury claims – Many of us love to take our cars or our leasing car (Buzzwords, De-buzzed: 10 Other Ways to Say Ford Transit Custom Sport) with us on trips abroad, or hire one at our destination. But how many of us even know the rules of the foreign […]

Weather Warning: How does bad weather affect road traffic accident claims?

As the weather worsens, the risk of being involved in a road traffic accident increases. Driving on winter roads can be challenging, and as such drivers must exercise a greater level of caution and skill than is usually required of them. However, regardless of how careful drivers are, unforeseen weather conditions such as black ice, […]

A Cyclist’s Guide to Personal Injury Compensation

More and more people are taking to the pedals to get around. It is important for all new cyclists to know their rights on the roads and fully understand what to do if they are ever unfortunately caught up in a collision, so that they can get back on the roads as soon as possible. […]