Category: Types of Injury

How to maximize your insurance claim for pain and suffering after an accident

Many people have a hard time wrapping their mind around understand what constitutes pain and suffering in a personal injury / car accident claim and how to go about maximizing the claim for pain and suffering.  Pain and suffering is a non-economic damage.  In California where I am licensed to practice law, we call it […]

Disc Herniation Claim from Auto Accidents

Many victims of auto accidents suffer physical injuries to their body and in many cases, such injuries can leave long term effects.  Sometimes the injuries manifest itself in immediate pain and physical symptoms but in many cases, they show later in time.  One type of auto accident injury, where no immediate pain can happen is […]

Small Force Can Cause Big Impact

Blunt force trauma is a scary reality that many humans have to face every single day. Throughout history there have been several cases where small amounts of force caused irreparable damage. The problem with brain injuries is that they are so prevalent, and can often go untreated; in fact, brain injuries are one of the […]

DUI Accidents & Wrongful Death Claims

It’s a sad fact that right around one-third of all fatal accidents in America are related to alcohol consumption. The toll that drunk driving takes on society as a whole is staggering, with reports showing an economic cost of $132 billion each year, but the human toll is, unfortunately, even more disheartening. Mothers Against Drunk […]

Common Causes of Cognitive Disorders

The brain serves as a vital integrating system that interprets, controls, and regulates all functions in the body. As the forte of the Central Nervous System, the brain not only enables mechanical movement, but it’s also responsible for memory storage, intelligence, sensory input (sight, smell, etc.), personality, and behavior. The skull, a protective layer of […]

Preventing Fatalities in Public Transportation

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, over 120,000 accidental deaths occur every year. The majority of these incidents occur in public places like parks, schools, transits, and businesses. Transits are a major concern because of the likelihood of fatalities or serious injuries in accidents on buses, trams, and trains. By practicing basic […]

Practising Safety at Work

Workplace injuries can be costly for businesses to contend with. The most obvious expense associated with workplace injuries relate to the associated liability. A worker may file a personal injury lawsuit associated with negligence or an unsafe workplace, for example, and the court may rule that the company reimburse the worker for medical expenses, pain […]

North Carolina’s Deadliest Accidents: The Dangers of Rural Roads

Often considered as one of the “jewels” of the south, North Carolina is a popular tourist destination for individuals from all parts of the world. Though there are a few large cities in the state, North Carolina is considered by most experts to be a relatively rural part of the country. It should come as […]

Repetitive Stress Injuries in the Workplace

Repetitive stress injuries, which are also commonly known as repetitive stress disorders, are a growing concern in many different workplaces. In fact, repetitive stress injuries account for over 60 percent of all job-related injuries in the USA, and 1 in 8 individuals will suffer from some kind of repetitive stress injury in their lifetime. What […]

Best Ways to Decrease Ice Build-Up on Your Sidewalks and Driveways

Ice build-up is a real problem during the wintertime. When ice builds up on your sidewalks and your driveways, it can become hazardous and can increase the chance of slips and falls. While it can be a hassle to deal with the ice build-up on sidewalks and driveways, decreasing this build-up is paramount for your […]