Category: Uncategorized

Personal injury law firm management techniques that improve client intake.

Contribution regarding personal injury law firm management techniques:- The number of PI law firms in the United States is increasing at a remarkable rate. Every day a new firm is opened by some veteran PI lawyer or an ex-employ of previous firms.  This saturation, particularly in PI is making things more challenging for firms. The […]

The Personal Injury Industry and Jackson Reforms face half-year health check

SIX months on from the introduction of the Jackson Reforms, lawyers are still getting to grips with the sweeping changes to civil litigation costs and much uncertainty remains. A review into some problematic areas of the reforms is already underway through a team led by Justice Ramsey, with results expected to emerge in April 2014. […]

Have You Been A Victim Of Police Brutality? How To Take Action

(U.S. and General) Filing a police brutality case is very serious business, especially when the defendant has also been charged with a criminal offense. Actually, some kind of criminal charge will be filed because it becomes a method of protection for the officer who is claiming to be “protecting” and “serving” the citizenry. Police officers […]

Negligent Care of Children

Placing your child into daycare and trusting the people there to care for them can be one of the most difficult decisions a parent will make. It is often common to see a child start daycare by the age of 6 weeks. Finding a daycare you can trust can take weeks or months. It is […]