Category: Uncategorized

Getting Out Of A Traffic Ticket 101

We’ve heard the stories: a girl gets pulled over for speeding, turns on the waterworks, and the cop simply ignores that ticket he was reaching for and issues a mild warning instead. Is it true? Can crying really get someone out of a traffic ticket? Chances are that crying your way out of a traffic […]

Did You Know That Allergy Medications May Cause Impaired Driving?

(U. S. Law and generally) Driving under the influence (DUI) is a serious traffic violation and can lead to mandatory jail time. DUI is often mistakenly considered a driving while drunk offense. In reality, DUI occurs when you operate any vehicle under the influence of any substance that can impair your ability to drive. This includes […]

Facts about Drunk Driving Accidents

Drunk driving and speeding are the two leading causes of traffic fatalities and injuries. In 2010, more than 10,000 people were killed due to the actions of a drunk driver, and this accounts for 31 percent of all of the traffic fatalities that occurred that year. Additionally, more than 524,000 traffic injuries are attributed to […]

ICO fine companies for PPI spam texts

Recently two PPI spammers were fined £440,000 for sending out lots of nuisance texts and calls, which were gathered illegally.  The two culprits, Gary McNeish and Chris Niebel sent out 840,000 spam texts a day from their company. The ICO lawyers suggested that people could be entitled to compensation from the Payment Protection Insurance (PPI) […]