Category: Uncategorized

Environmental Groups Concerned about Water Contamination File Lawsuit

On Tuesday, August 14, the Natural Resources Defense Council and the Environmental Working Group filed a lawsuit against the California Department of Public Health. The suit, filed in Alameda County Superior Court, asks the agency to obey its requirement to limit the level of hexavalent chromium, a chemical carcinogen, in California’s drinking water. In 2001, […]

Wal-Mart Loses Motion to Dismiss Discrimination Suit

September 25, 2012—San Francisco, CA—The Los Angeles Times reports that the California Supreme Court delivered bad news to Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., when it ruled that an 11-year-old gender discrimination lawsuit would not be dismissed as the company requested. Wal-Mart had moved to have the lawsuit dismissed after the U. S. Supreme Court barred employees nationwide […]

Superb use of infographics

Infographics are all the rage and we think they are fantastic also. They are particularly good for law, which can be a complex subject and involves a lot of factual information. With personal injury and accidents, statistics suggest that, when looking for compensation claim advice, those looking want to know about the data such as […]

General Public Has Right to View Previously Sealed Documents in Defective Gun Case

A federal district court recently ruled that the general public has the right to access sealed court documents in a products liability suit implicating one of the biggest rifle manufacturers on the planet.  The case, Aleksich v. Remington, involves an incident where a teenager from Butte, Montana was wounded by the discharge of a Model […]

How To Make A Work Accident Claim

Every year in the UK a significant amount of people experience accidents at work and many of these sustain injuries as a result. By law, it is the employer’s duty to provide a safe working environment and  take necessary measures and precautions to prevent any potential accidents. However, no matter how many preventive methods are […]

iPhone App to Help ID Whiplash Claimants

The famous Apple iPhone catchphrase; ‘there’s an app for that too’, has spanned its already considerable horizon even further afield. Recently released is an application which allows doctors to take photos of whiplash accident compensation victims which can subsequently be uploaded to a medical report database to confirm identity. Dr David Pearce, who is the […]

What is U.S. Federal Tort Reform?

Politicians and the media have been talking about Tort Reform since the 1990’s in the U.S.  More recently, a federal tort reform bill was proposed to the U.S. House of Representatives.  It’s been in the House for over a year and whether it will pass or not is still unknown.  If passed, however, said reform […]