Category: Work Injury Claims

What Are Occupational Chest Conditions?

Work related or ‘occupational’ chest conditions are diseases that develop as a result of exposure to certain irritants in the workplace. These conditions are more likely to develop in some occupations than others, such as factory work or a garage. They can worsen over time if they are not immediately diagnosed and treated, so it’s […]

Keep Your Head on Straight: Workplace Safety Precautions

 Staying safe in the workplace is important to your health and well-being. There are some organizations that work hard to provide employees with the correct headgear and safety training, preventing serious accidents and saving lives. Here are some of the requirements of safety headgear, and how to wear it correctly so you don’t place your […]

A Case of First Impression in Law Enforcement

A recent federal employment law case has set a significant precedent that will likely impact the way law enforcement agencies view disabled job applicants and treat disabled employees. It will also likely provide encouragement to injured veterans seeking to be productive citizens as they re-enter civilian life. In Justin Slaby v. Eric Holder, Jr., the […]

Excessive working hours results in accident – is the employer responsible?

These days many people work long hours in difficult, demanding and, often, stressful jobs. And in today’s uncertain economic climate, employees can feel pressured to take on even more work in order to pay the bills. Working excessive hours will, more often than not, lead to tiredness, and tiredness in the work place can be […]

When High Voltage Leads to On-the-Job Injury: What can a Person do?

Accidents involving high voltage electricity can easily result in death as well as very serious personal injury. The result of a high-voltage accident is rarely positive in any manner. Approximately 80% of all high voltage electrical shock injuries will include amputation of some type to avoid infecting other areas of the body. Sometimes this disabling […]

Work related stress compensation claims

Work related stress can have very serious consequences in terms of your physical and psychological health, but it is not a condition that is particularly well understood in the UK, and especially by a surprising number of employers. However, back in 2010 the European Heart Journal published an of 6014 British civil servants mapping their […]

How to avoid asbestos related disease at work

Asbestos fibres, elongated and extremely small are carcinogenic. It’s as simple as that. Once you’ve inhaled them, their shape and size cause them to work their way into your bronchi, alveoli and pleura where they might eventually cause acute and often terminal conditions such as asbestosis, cancer and mesothelioma. Your respiratory tract and lungs cannot […]