Choosing a personal injury solicitor

If you have been injured through no fault of your own at the hands of a medical professional, an accident in the workplace et-cetera, then you must seek compensation, especially if the injury is lasting. Making a claim for compensation however is a lengthy and complicated process and seeking the help of a legal professional is a must.

However choosing the correct solicitor to deal with your case is like picking from a box of chocolates. They all look the same and yet some are better than others.

There are a number of things to look for and standards to follow which will help you make the correct decision. Read on and take note…


Look for a solicitor or firm that deals with a large variety of cases because that demonstrates they have the expertise to manage all aspects of the law. Injury and negligence claims are very complex and so you need people who are on the ball and have a firm understanding of all the issues. Look for firms that can prove they are one of the leading teams for cases of serious, personal injury and medical negligence.

If you find a solicitors firm where a large number of their solicitors are seen as leaders in their field then you know you can trust them to do their best for you also. These types of legal representation like to push boundaries to ensure that their clients achieve justice.

Human service – not faceless

The best results are often made by law firms that show a human side. Not huge organisations of solicitors and call centre sales staff. Finding North West Solicitors who you can immediately speak to face to face therefore is always a good indicator of the right type of legal representation to go with.

A large amount of complex time consuming cases usually involve large organisations. When looking for a personal injury solicitor you must choose one that is not afraid to take on these large organisations.

The best legal teams do not just stop at the courtroom however when it comes to their clients. The notable firms make sure there is plenty of support and guidance before, during and after the case.

The best people

Choose a personal injury solicitor who not only has the best people for the case but also gets them to work for you. Senior members of staff should be readily available to deal with your case and achieve the best results. After-all the senior solicitors will have the most experience and be more able to get you the justice you seek.

No time wasting

Some solicitors will take on any case if it means that there is a possibility of payment at the end of it. The more reputable solicitors will review your case and make a decision on whether or not it is worth making a claim – hence not wasting your time.

Fee options

Solicitors who provide fee options are the best route to take. Some will provide a varied range from ‘no win no fee’ to legal expense insurance. Choosing one that does not put its primary focus on fees is the best option. Even if you do not need public funding for your case, choosing a solicitor who accepts this form of payment means they are more than likely ethically sound.

1 thought on “Choosing a personal injury solicitor

  1. Tom Anderson

    I congratulate you for this Post. Your effort is highly appreciated for making Information easier. When choosing the right accident solicitors, ensure that you are clear about the details of the case proceedings. As we know that these professional solicitors deal with hundreds of cases annually, thus they may need to be reminded of the case specifics from time – to – time. Therefore it is important that you to ask questions properly and make sure you are discussing all the pros and cons of hiring that particular solicitor for your claim. Your claim may involve compensation for personal injury due to the collision, it is imperative that you understand your entitlements in such a case. Solicitors are not great at being bombarded with questioning as their professional role is quite the opposite; it is important that you feel your solicitor will listen to your queries and answer them in timely manner – often the better your relationship with your representative the better the result of the case, and your overall satisfaction with the result.

    Thank you this Very helpful post.

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