Common Causes of Cognitive Disorders

The brain serves as a vital integrating system that interprets, controls, and regulates all functions in the body. As the forte of the Central Nervous System, the brain not only enables mechanical movement, but it’s also responsible for memory storage, intelligence, sensory input (sight, smell, etc.), personality, and behavior. The skull, a protective layer of bones, encases the brain itself. When this skull is significantly damaged, the brain can become damaged and cause cognitive disorders. This condition is referred to as Traumatic Brain Injury, or TBI. TBIs can lead to a host of problems, including memory loss, balance loss, headaches and nausea, learning disabilities, ADD, anxiety, depression, mood swings, loss of appetite, decreased alertness, and personality changes.

TBI: Causes and Risk Factors

Cognitive disorders are caused by a multitude of events. Many cognitive disorders are inherited due to genetic predispositions, and others are due to complications at birth or during development. For a vast majority of cases, however, victims suffer from cognitive disorders because of trauma to the head. A sudden and hard force of impact can result in permanent damage to the brain and chronic conditions.

Jolt or Shock

A severe jolt can cause brain injury in more than one location. The brain may be tossed around within the skull so that multiple spots on the brain may succumb to damage. This type of injury is common in car crashes in which the victim experiences whiplash, which can also lead to damage of the spinal column. Football, hockey, horse riding, boxing, skating, and other high-contact sports may lead to brain damage. Falling is common in children and the elderly. Slipping on ice, a wet floor, or in the tub are other examples of how one might acquire a cognitive condition.


A blast or explosion can disrupt the brain tissue’s normal function, and cause damage over the entire brain. Those who work around demolition crews are at high risk for this type of injury. Miners, construction workers, and soldiers often acquire cognitive disorders due to explosions.

Puncture Wound

A puncture of the brain itself will destroy the local neurons and their supporting cells. Anyone working around machinery, such as factory workers, may have an accident at work in which the brain is punctured, causing a chronic cognitive disorder. Violence may also cause such an injury; in fact, one study found that gunshot wounds, stabbings, striking, and other forms of violence cause 10 percent of brain injuries.


When the brain bleeds or undergoes edema, oxygen cannot reach the nerve tissue and neurons will die. This would be something that would happen during a stroke and, like a stroke, could lead to partial or total paralysis.

Prevention and Treatment

Since the acquisition of cognitive disorders is largely due to TBIs, obtaining adequate prevention is challenging. By remembering a few safety tips you can help protect yourself against TBI. Always wear protective headgear when participating in sporting events or when riding on motorcycles and four-wheelers. Drive safely and always wear your seatbelt in the car. Make sure that you follow the safety guidelines and use caution when operating heavy machinery or working in a factory. Follow your employer’s safety guidelines and take extra precautions when working in high-risk jobs. Remember that treating a cognitive disorder is extremely difficult. Most disorders are chronic and symptom relief is often the only solution. Surgery may be required to correct fractured skulls or remove blood clots. Diuretics and anti-seizure drugs may be used to correct cognitive deficiencies. The best approach is a preventative approach, which simply affirms the axiom, “Safety first!”

If your cognitive disorder or injuries have been caused due to medical negligence during an operation or any other medical procedure, an attorney specializing in medical equipment fraud can represent your case and bring the justice that you deserve.