Common Injuries for Maritime Workers

maritime workersExperts agree that our planet is composed of approximately 70% water. It should come as no surprise, then, that many men and women living around the world make their living off the sea. While there are a number of ways in which people can profit off the sea, lakes, or rivers, pursuing a career as a maritime worker is one of the most popular. And while maritime jobs are often quite rewarding, they can also be filled with a number of serious risks. Individuals who are thinking about entering this job field should be aware of the different health risks associated with maritime work, and how they can be avoided.


 According to US Newsinjuries caused by maritime work, fractures are one of the most common . While these fractures can be caused by a number of issues, they are commonly related to slip, trips, and being hit by the ship’s boom. As with more serious types of breaks, fractures are not life threatening—however, the healing process can be long and arduous. In most cases, rest, relaxation, and limited use are recommended for all maritime workers who have been diagnosed with a bone fracture.

 Sprains and Strains

 Sprains and strains are also a common injury for individuals who work in the maritime industry. Sprains and strains can be related to various factors, such as lifting a piece of machinery that is too heavy, using improper ergonomic techniques, or simply being unaware of the surroundings. Similarly, some research suggests that maritime workers may develop strains or sprains due to untidy working conditions or repetitive use activities. Strains and sprains typically do not cause lasting effects—in fact, most workers can expect relief from pain and inflammation within a few days of the injury.


 Unlike the injuries listed above, concussions are a relatively serious injury faced by many people who work in the maritime industry. A concussion is typically defined as a condition in which individuals experience a loss of consciousness after a strong blow to the head. In other cases, concussions can occur when people are exposed to a heavy jolt or prolonged, violent shaking. Concussions often affect the way that the brain works, and can cause problems with concentration, memory, judgment, balance, and coordination. People who are diagnosed with multiple concussions may experience the greatest difficulty when it comes to functioning independently in life.


 As suggested by the name, a dislocation occurs when one part of the body—such as the shoulder, elbow, wrist, hip, knee, or ankle, is moved from its proper location to another position. In most cases, dislocations are caused by sudden, sharp blows to the joint in question, though trips, falls, and other similar accidents can also lead to the injury. Joint dislocations are often quite painful, and typically require immediate attention by a qualified health care provider. When they are not managed in an appropriate period of time, dislocations can lead to long-term disability and other, serious consequences.

Braud & Gallagher, Attorneys at Law are maritime accident lawyers located in New Orleans, Louisiana. For more information, please visit us at