Common Questions That Come Into Mind While Hiring A Personal Injury Lawyer

Below is a guest personal injury article regarding some of the best questions to ask when hiring a personal injury lawyer.

A personal injury lawyer is required in situations where you or your loved one gets injured as a result of some else’s fault or actions and the responsible person or his insurance company is not willing to offer a fair settlement for your losses. Ideally, the person should offer a fair settlement for his actions but that rarely happens. However, there are many questions that come into the mind of a person who suffers injury and wants to get properly compensated. These questions and their proper answers are explained below.

Why exactly do I need the lawyer?

One might argue that they can represent themselves for claim negotiation with the insurance company but it is strongly advised that you take legal advice from experts in order to get a fair settlement amount. Insurance companies try to make profit by under-compensating the victims. Further, the lawyers working for these insurance firms know the law governing such matters in detail. It is very important that you are represented by an experienced personal injury lawyer in order to get proper compensation.

How much would the attorney cost?

Personal injury lawyers usually work on “contingency fee” basis. This means that they charge you only if they are able to win the case for you. However, even if you lose the case you have to pay for certain expenses such as the filing fee for the lawsuit. Usually, a personal injury attorney would charge anywhere between one third to 40% of the total compensation awarded.

Where to find a proper lawyer?

There are many sources to find a lawyer who can help you in getting proper compensation for your personal injuries. However, it is always better to go through a reliable source such as friends and family members. You can also refer to yellow pages or online directories to search for the proper attorney. If you know a lawyer whom you trust then you should ask him for some referral as he is in the legal segment and would definitely know about some good lawyers.

Do I have to hire an attorney if I meet him?

You don’t have to hire the attorney just because you met him. Further, you should ask if there is any consultation fee initially before you schedule your meeting. Personal injury lawyers usually don’t charge for the initial meeting but it is always better to ask if there is any charge for it or not.

Do I need to get a written retainer agreement?

It is always better to have a written retainer agreement as it is the best way to make sure that your rights are protected. Also, make sure that you take proper time to read the agreement before you sign it. If you come across something that you don’t understand then ask for clarification before you sign it.

I hope that this post would have answered some of your questions related to personal injury lawyers and would help you in perusing your claims much more effectively. If you have any question or want to add something of your own then feel free to comment.

About the author:

Steve Graham is Sr. Content Editor at Legaladvice(dot)com. Legaladvice(dot)com is progressive, fast growing corporate law firm providing structured legal services to common person looking for legal help. This law firm offers comprehensive integrated solutions across the entire legal services spectrum in the most time effective and cost effective manner.