Concussions Should Not Be Regarded Lightly

A concussion is termed as a sudden injury to the brain caused by trauma to the head. These are very common in contact sports, and in accidents. Concussions range from mild to severe. Mild concussions may not even manifest any symptoms, and severe concussions may need a few days in the hospital for recuperation. When you hit your head against a hard object, your brain is jolted inside the skull. The spinal fluid is supposed to act as a cushion; however the blow might be hard enough to force the brain to hit the walls of the skull. When this happens, any damage done will cause the brain to behave abnormally, and this is when the patient starts exhibiting symptoms of concussion.

What Are The Symptoms Of Concussions?

Headaches are one of the most common symptoms of a concussion; this is often coupled with an inability to concentrate. If you have a concussion, you will find it difficult to maintain your balance. You will feel dizzy or lightheaded and you may also suffer from loss of memory in addition to changes to your sleep patterns.

Behavioral symptoms may include aggression, irritability, or depression. While these are common symptoms of receiving a concussion, some medical professionals believe that the severities in which these symptoms are felt are based on pre-existing conditions already had by the individual.

What Are The Long-Term Effects Of Concussions?

The long-term impacts of a concussion will depend on the severity of the trauma. While it is possible to recover from a mild concussion within a few hours, a severe concussion can result in varying degrees of brain damage. Many victims of a concussion can feel the effects years after the incident in which the trauma occurred.

What Are Some Of The Treatments For Concussions?

Relaxation is one of the best ways to let the brain recover from any damage. The changes that occur in the white and grey matter of the brain, during a concussion need to be allowed to repair themselves. It is best for the patient to relax, avoid stress, movement, and other activities that require excess coordination. Ideally, the patient should rest as much as possible.

After the individual has spent time relaxing, there should be a gradual return to activity and normalcy. As symptoms persist, they should be treated accordingly. If a person is suffering from severe headaches, they may be prescribed pain relievers from their physicians in order to assist the pain as they heal. If an individual is suffering from more severe symptoms such as depression or anxiety, they may seek the assistance of a physiotherapist who may prescribe the patient antidepressants. Physical therapy may also be recommended for those lacking the appropriate motor skills or coordination prior to becoming injured.

As concussions are the most common form of traumatic brain injury, there are a variety of treatments available to assist with any pain and symptoms felt. If you have recently suffered a head injury, it is wise to consult your physician to find out of you may be suffering from a concussion.


Dustin Thompson is a freelance writer based in Portland, Oregon who concentrates on health, medical education, medicine and the law, urgent care and other related issues; those in need of a contact in case of emergencies should consider viewing Prime Urgent Care.