Dog Attacks: What Happens To The Dog Following An Incident?

Victims of Dog Attacks May Wonder

Being the victim of a dog attack can be a life changing event. Unfortunately, man’s best friend can be just as dangerous as he is loyal and loving. Dog attacks can lead to serious disfigurement, serious injury, and in some cases, even death. When an attack occurs and the victim chooses to file a lawsuit regarding the incident, many may wonder what happens to Fido after the case is concluded.  For most victims, they don’t want the dog to be harmed following the accident, however, some may simply wonder. In each state there are different laws in place for dogs who attack and how they are handled following an incident resulting in injury. In this article I will use Denver, Colorado as the example state.

What Constitutes a “Dangerous Dog”

In Denver county, Colorado, a dangerous dog can be one of two things: A dog with a demeanor which indicates that he may attack without provocation to cause injury to others; others can be people, or other domestic animals, and, any dog that has a tendency to bite or attack others. According to state and county law, dogs of either one of these types, need to be confined. Confined indicates that the animal(s) are kept in an enclosure that has containing walls of at least eight feet high and are secure, as well as a secure top. This enclosure is also required to have a bottom which is attached to the sides of the structure and embedded into the ground no less than one foot deep. This enclosure is also required to be constructed of a material that the dog cannot destroy or escape from. Dangerous dogs may also be contained within the owner’s home. An owner of a dog of this nature is required to keep the dog confined, unless it is muzzled and leashed when traveling away from the enclosure that the dog is usually kept in. The only exception to the muzzle and leash requirement, is if the dog is part of a dog show; in this case, the dog may not be muzzled, but must be leashed.

For the owner of a dog of this nature, it is imperative that they use the appropriate amount of control for other people’s safety, as well as the dog’s safety. The owner may not allow the dog to bite or harm anyone who is not on their property, or otherwise trespassing. This does not apply to the owner’s business or any other location that is considered public, if the dog is being contained in a location that is open to the public, there is a requirement for appropriate signage, indicating that the dog is contained within the building. This legality is dissolved if the dog attacks someone who is trespassing, robbing, or otherwise committing an act of violence at the said location. Likewise, if the dog is with the owner at a business or public establishment that is not owned by the dog owner, the owner may not allow the dog to bite or attack other people. The only exception to this rule applies to law enforcement officials when engaged in law enforcement activities.

What Happens To A Dog Who Offends?

If a dog happens to bite or otherwise injure someone in Denver county, in the state of Colorado, there are no laws stating that the dog will be destroyed. The law stands that if a dog is considered dangerous, it must be confined in an enclosure to the specifications stated above. The city of Denver does have other regulations, including a ban on pit bulls as a specific breed. They also have a vaccination requirement that all dogs must be vaccinated for rabies. This is only the case in Denver county, Colorado. In other states the laws are more strict, and dogs that offend or repeat offenses, may need to be destroyed, or put down.

If you’ve been injured by a dog, and need legal consultation, McCormick & Murphy P.C. is here to answer any of your questions and concerns that need to be directed to a Denver dog bite attorney. Consultation is free, and we’re available to help you with any and all of your legal concerns.