General Public Has Right to View Previously Sealed Documents in Defective Gun Case

A federal district court recently ruled that the general public has the right to access sealed court documents in a products liability suit implicating one of the biggest rifle manufacturers on the planet.

 The case, Aleksich v. Remington, involves an incident where a teenager from Butte, Montana was wounded by the discharge of a Model 700 rifle.

 The law firm representing the family of a 9-year-old child who was killed by the discharge during a misfire after a family hunting trip eventually succeeded in obtaining access to the documents.

 After years of painstaking research, experts determined that a design defect likely caused the rifle to fire without anyone pulling the trigger.

 Ultimately, Judge Richard Cebull held that there was no compelling reason to keep the case sealed.

 The family believes that these documents will enable the public to learn the full story concerning the Model 700 and, hopefully, avoid falling prey to its defects.

The family’s attorney noted, “When the largest rifle manufacturer in the U.S. is trying to hide something from the public, it’s usually something the public needs to know.”

 Remember, if you suffered an injury as a result of purchasing a faulty product, you likely have legal recourse and should consult an experienced personal injury attorney.

 A personal injury attorney will be able to help you assess the merits of your case and determine whether you have a valid cause of action that could lead to monetary compensation.

 It is crucial to understand that most personal injury attorneys work on a contingency fee basis. In other words, if you do not see a dime, neither will the attorney.

 If you were harmed due to the defective nature of a product, you should not sit idly by and think you really were the one at fault.

Likewise, your physical health and ability to work are not things to take lightly. Depending on the severity of your injury, you could face astronomical medical costs that you should not be forced into paying.