Hard Hats On! Critical Information for Keeping Safe on the Construction Site

Hard Hats On! Critical Information for Keeping Safe on the Construction Site

Construction site safety should be a priority for everyone. The company, the employees, even the delivery people should always have safety on their mind. The simple nature of a construction site makes it a dangerous place to be.

There are many laws and regulations in place that protect the workers and any personnel from injury on a construction site. According to www.construction-accident-attorney.net, the construction industry is responsible for more workplace injuries than any other occupation. These rules also help protect the company from liability if they are followed.

Most of the personal injuries that occur on a construction site are due to lack of following safety regulations. A quick look at some of the most common injury protections, and their associated regulations, should help everyone stay safe on a construction site.

• Fencing. Construction areas are required to be fenced off from the public. Erecting a fence helps prevent pedestrians, especially curious children, from wandering into dangerous areas. This fencing will also help prevent any type of theft at night. Failure to erect a fence can lead to heavy fines from the local municipalities and places the construction company at risk.

• Hard Hats. The Department of Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires that all workers in a construction setting use had hats to prevent head injuries. Since most construction consists of people working at many different heights all at one time, the head gear protects them from falling objects.

• Safety Glasses. Protective eyewear is another OSHA regulation that is meant to prevent injuries. Safety glasses block all types of airborne objects, including heavy construction dust, from injuring the eyes.

Safe Equipment. Common equipment used in construction, such as scaffolding, cranes, and other large equipment is supposed to be maintenance and checked on a regular basis. These regulations are suggestions from OSHA. However, many local ordinances require that these items have inspection records that can be viewed at all times to ensure that the machinery is safe.

• Steel Toed Boots. All construction and manufacturing facilities are required to enforce a steel-toed boot policy. These boots, constructed to be slip-resistant, electrical shock resistant, and steel-toed are meant to provide employees with extra protection.

• Guarded Chemicals. Construction sites often have dangerous chemicals on them to use in the building process. This can include everything from diesel fuel for the equipment to industrial strength cleaners. These items must be kept in a specific place on the site and under supervision. OSHA requires that these items are kept in a container of some sort that can be locked. Local regulations may also have specific guidelines for dangerous chemicals.

Of course, there are always new regulations that come into the picture as time progresses and technologies change. It is very important for construction companies to continue to review their safety polices and verify that their current policies are in compliance with all regulations. Additionally, requiring employees to attend regular safety meetings is also very helpful in keeping a construction area safe for all those who work there.

Melanie Fleury had a brother that passed away in a work related incident and knows the emotional and financial trauma that this can cause. According to www.construction-accident-attorney.net, if a personal injury on a construction site has the potential to affect a person’s ability to work, or if a death of a loved one causes undue financial stress, then a lawyer should be sought to fight for compensation.