How much compensation can you receive for a personal injury claim?

If you have sustained a personal injury and are thinking about making a claim, don’t worry, you are not alone. Each year, there are thousands of accidents in the UK that cause injuries which could have been avoided. Therefore, if you have an accident that wasn’t your fault and sustain an injury as a result, you could have valid grounds to make a claim and receive compensation.

There are a number of things that you need to evaluate before deciding whether or not to press on and make a personal injury claim. Most importantly, you need to determine whether or not you have valid grounds to make a claim and the likelihood of the case being successful. Ultimately, you can make a personal injury claim if you have had an accident that someone else was either fully or partially at fault for. The best way to answer both of these questions and any other queries you may have is to talk to a personal injury solicitor. Thankfully, the majority of personal injury solicitors offer free consultations, which means that you won’t have to pay to find out more about your claim. A solicitor will also be able to tell you how much compensation you could be entitled to according to your injuries and other factors. However, in the meantime you can gain a rough estimate by using an online compensation calculator

The amount of compensation you actually receive varies from case to case, hence why a solicitor can give you a more accurate estimate once they learn more about your situation. There are a variety of different elements that determine the final compensation amount, not just the type of injury you have sustained. Essentially, you can claim for any financial loss that you have incurred as a result of the accident. For example, if you are unable to work and have had to take unpaid leave, you can claim back your loss of earnings. Just make sure you have some form of evidence to prove exactly how much you earn, a few pay slips would suffice. Furthermore, if you cannot drive and have to take public transport everywhere, you can also claim back these costs. Be sure to discuss such instances with your solicitor so that you receive the full amount of compensation you deserve.

Injury Claim Specialists is one of the UK’s leading personal injury advice websites. There are a number of extremely useful tools such as the Compensation Calculator and the Injury Claims Guide.