How To Get The Most Out of Personal Injury Insurance Claims

The following is a guest post regarding personal injury insurance claims from a South African writer.

Accidents are a part of life, whether you are at fault or the other driver. Even the most careful person can make a mistake. That’s why it is called an accident, no one purposely causes injury or damage to another vehicle.  Most insurance policies come with a personal injury clause. When you sign up, you can choose how much you want to pay for the highest coverage possible. Typically, when you are in an accident that is not your fault, you want to go through the other insurance policyholder since it was their liability. How do you receive the most compensation for your injury as well as pain and suffering?

Go to a Doctor

This is your number one priority. As soon as you can get your car and leave the scene, head to the hospital. Usually, people wait after an accident. They might be experiencing a little headache, or muscle aches but they choose to wait because they feel it’s not necessary. This can hinder your medical claim; especially if the other party or insurance disputes that you waited too long. They could argue that the injuries were from something else and not from the accident.

Take Pictures

Always take pictures of any physical injuries, right away. Check the pictures after shooting. Make sure they are clear and you can see the cuts, bruises or marks unmistakably. Also use a camera with a date/time stamp. This will prove that the injury happened during the accident and not later. If you cannot take accurate pictures, enlist the help of a friend or family member. Also, shoot some pictures a few days after the accident too, when you receive medical help as well as to show the progress of the injury. This can help for pain and suffering compensation.

Keep all Medical Paperwork

The proof is key when filing a personal injury claim. Keep all the paperwork from the initial ER visit, any follow-up exams and even prescription receipts. When you speak to the doctors ask them to write a detailed account of your injuries as well as what they believe is the cause. Store all the documentation along with the pictures in a safe place.

Submit the Personal Injury Claims Form

Obtain the claim forms within the first week of the accident. Start filling them out. Within the first two weeks, submit all documentation previously stated. On the form, usually there is an “Other Information” section. In this place, make note for any future doctor’s appointments that are a direct result of the accident.

When you receive injury from an accident that is not your fault, it is important to fight for your rights. Typically, when you submit relevant documentation to the insurance company, they approve your claim. However, at times you may have to fight a bit more for what is owed to you. If you must obtain a lawyer, submit all your documentation to the firm. More-than-likely, you wil receive what is due to you as well as the insurance provider paying all your legal fees.

About the author

The author is the content coordinator for a website that provides online insurance quotes to the South African public.