How to Handle a Truck Accident

How to Handle a Truck Accident

Big rig companies plying Central California routes likely have Fresno truck accident lawyer services on retainers since accidents involving their super-sized vehicles likely end up being a complex case. Others who drive private vehicles but are also regularly using the same routes should look to experienced big rig accident attorneys first for representation should they ever find themselves involved in a truck accident. Statistics show that nearly half-a-million car accidents occur in the state of California in 2017, with over 3,000 being fatal. And the number increases every year. It will be prudent, therefore, to be prepared for such incidents if you are a regular Central California commuter.

More than just your regular fender bender, according to a car accident attorney truck accidents can be a very scary and traumatic experience. While big rig drivers receive special training and certifications to operate a huge vehicle, they are still prone to making errors. On the other hand, car drivers can also be negligent and make lapses in judgment when driving around big rigs. So what should you do if you find yourself involved in a truck accident?

1.  Check If You’re Injured

You may get shaken up after getting involved in a road accident with a big rig, but if you are able to stay oriented, check yourself for injuries. See if you can move your limbs properly and check yourself in the mirror to see if you are cut or are bleeding anywhere. Remember that you may not feel any immediate pain as you adrenaline will be coursing through your body. If you have passengers, check on them as well. If possible, move your vehicle to the side of the road for the safety of other travelers, make sure to call an auto accident attorney right after the accident .

If you are too injured to move, stay still and ask bystanders for help. From this point on, this article assumes that you are still physically capable of completing the tasks outlined in the next steps. 

2.  Stay at the Scene

Remember not to leave the scene of the accident as doing so constitutes hit-and-run in some states. Take out the emergency car kit and set it at the prescribed distance from your vehicle to warn other drivers of the accident. Set up road flares if driving conditions requires them to make the scene more visible for other drivers.

3.  Call 911

Move a safe distance away from your damaged vehicle and call 911. Wait for emergency services. Allow emergency medical responders to check if you sustained any injuries that you may not be aware of. Calling 911 will also dispatch police officers on the scene who will document the accident and gather eyewitness accounts. The information that they gather will be vital to the case, you should also call a truck accident attorney to get the legal help you need.

4.  Gather Information

If you are able to, take pictures and photos of the scene and the surrounding areas immediately after the accident to receive better accident injury advice. Pay special attention to the damage to the vehicles involved, skid marks, landmarks and any other visual elements that will help paint a clearer picture of what happened and what triggered the accident.

 5.  Exchange Information

Another important step that you should take is to exchange important information with the other driver or drivers involved in the accident. Make sure to exchange each other’s full name and contact details, insurance information, driver’s license number of the truck driver and contact details of the big rig company’s owner/operator.

As mentioned earlier, big rig companies likely have lawyers on retainers for situations such as vehicular accidents. This is why you should also seek out the help of a personal injury attorney to give yourself a fighting chance when filing claims for damage to property and for injuries that you suffered in the incident.

The first and most important thing to remember if you are involved in a car accident is to remain calm while talking to the personal injury lawyer . Once you are able to make sense of what happened to you, follow the steps outlined above.