How To Make A Work Accident Claim

Every year in the UK a significant amount of people experience accidents at work and many of these sustain injuries as a result. By law, it is the employer’s duty to provide a safe working environment and  take necessary measures and precautions to prevent any potential accidents. However, no matter how many preventive methods are put in place, accidents are still likely to occur.

If you have suffered an injury at work and feel you are entitled to compensation, have a glance at this guide and find out how to make a work accident claim.

Who’s to blame?

First things first, you need to identify who is to blame for the accident. If your employer’s negligence was the reason for the accident then you will be able to file for an accident claim. Most cases often stem from employer’s failing to provide adequate safety methods in the workplace. It is important that you clearly record the accident in an accident book and file a claim within three years of the incident.

Act fast

Even though you have three years to make a claim, it is important that you do it as soon as possible. Failure to do so could cause your claim to fail or reduce your chance of winning. The longer the period you leave before taking action, the less the chance of the success of your claim. This is due to the evidence required to connect the chain of events to prove that your injury was caused by the accident in question.

Find a solicitor

To move forward with your claim you need to contact a personal injury solicitor as soon as possible. Solicitors are efficient and confident in their specialist areas of law and will provide a friendly and helpful service. Their job is to reassure you and help you win your claim. Your solicitor will be able to start your claim for compensation on a no win no fee basis too.

Gather your evidence

You will need to present your solicitor with relevant evidence to back up your claim. Acceptable evidence you need to present:

  • Date of the accident (if  possible the time too)
  • Photographs of the scene and your injuries
  • Statements from witnesses
  • Your medical reports concerning the injury

Be Patient

Once you have found the right solicitor to help you process your claim, all you have to do is be patient. Some cases are settled within weeks; however the occasional case can take a longer period of time to reach a settlement. Solicitors need to be thorough and precise and this will take time. Solicitors will do all they can to help you win your claim; therefore it is important to be patient.

If you need more advice on how to make a work accident claim, visit