International Recall of 1 Million Toyota Prius

November 19, 2012—Los Angeles, California—Toyota has announced a recall of over one million Prius hybrids for defects in steering and water pumps, according to USA Today.  These recalls followed those of about 7.4 million cars worldwide one month prior for defective window switches that have the potential to catch fire and of 12 million cars for accelerator issues that caused some fatal crashes.

The problems with the most recent recalls include 670,000 older models of the Prius that have defective steering and 350,000 with water pump issues that cause stalling.  The steering problem is said to be related to a design issue by Toyota.  The cars covered by these recalls are all second-generation models built between 2003 and 2009.  So far, no injuries have been reported in connection with the issues that sparked the recalls.

How Do Recalls Affect a Company?

While recalls are embarrassing for a company, they are not necessarily a death blow. Companies that move quickly to fix problems related to their vehicles are generally considered to be more ethical than companies that try to hide their problems. On the other hand, in a technologically-advancing society, design issues are something that the public finds difficult to forgive and forget, especially if those design issues cause injury to innocent people.

How Do Recalls Affect Personal Injury Victims?

Whether there has been a recall of a particular model or not, a victim who has suffered injuries due to a defective product has the right to collect damages. Even if the victim did not have his or her car repaired under the recall prior to the accident, he or she may still be able to collect damages. This is because recall notices do not always reach everyone who has purchased a certain car, so some potential victims may not even know that there is a danger from their own vehicle.

How Can I Find Out About Recall Information?

When you purchase a product, whether it is a car, an appliance, or even a small tool, always take a few moments to register with the company using an email address or phone number that will remain current during your ownership of the product. This will ensure that you receive updates and news about your product in a timely manner.

An auto defects attorney can help you if you have been the victim of injuries resulting from a recalled product.