Lawsuits Involving Cell Phone Radiation

Technology has developed leaps and bounds over the decades. However, the elation can often be short lived as there can be consequences associated with the advancements in modern technology. Cell phone radiation has become a prominent legal study in the past few years as cases are being fought. The following will focus on lawsuits involving cell phone radiation and the effect they have had on the industry in general.

Illinois Man with Brain Tumor

In late 2012, an Illinois man filed a lawsuit alleging a number of cell phone manufacturers were responsible for his brain tumor. This was a unique case in the area and one that received much publicity as it progressed. The prosecutors representing the man from Illinois immediately sought to pinpoint radiation as the main cause for their client’s brain tumor based on reports that have shown cell phones as being large producers of harmful radiation.

Warning Legislation

As cases regarding the negative impacts of the electromagnetic radiation emitted from cell phones on cell phone users began to increase, the government saw it was necessary to find a solution that would eliminate these cases. Cell phone manufacturers are being required to deliver on standards that are established by federal, local agencies and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).

In 2010, San Francisco government officials began working on legislation related to cell phone warning labels. This process was deemed as a necessity with the ongoing research studies showing a growing link between cancer and cell phone usage. Regulations were being pondered in San Francisco as a means to fight against cell phone manufacturers and radiation. The idea is to provide warning labels for all cell phone users as a mean to ensure they understand the consequences of using cell phone devices regularly. This route serves to relinquish some responsibility from cell phone manufactures and place the liability back on cell phone users.

There is now an established radiation rate in place to take care of these matters. Any cell phone manufacturer exceeding these numbers will not be able to sell their product. The ratings are done through specific absorption rate (SAR) readings to further assess the effect of radiation on cell phone users.

FCC Update on Cell Phone Standards

Federal issues in 2012 began to find the necessity of updating standards for cell phone manufacturers. Most of the established standards were set during the initial years of cell phones being launched onto the market, some as early as the 1980s. Of course, the cell phone industry has revolutionized its methods of creating phones both in overall style and reception, and radiation levels are not nearly as high as they have been in the past. This change led to an inquiry during 2012 by the FCC to ensure their standards were set to meet the innovations of modern technology.

While many leaps and bound are currently being made to improve the safety of cell phones, many of the legalities regarding electromagnetic radiation have dealt with improving standards in order to protect both cell phone manufacturers and users alike.


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