MD Birth Control Injury Attorneys Warn of Blood Clot Risk with Non-Oral Contraceptives

It’s widely known that oral contraceptives such as Yasmin and Beyaz come with an increased risk of blood clots, or venous thromboembolism (VTE). Now, results from a Danish study recently been published in the British Medical Journal, has found that significantly higher risks of blood clots are found in women who use non-oral hormonal contraceptives such as transdermal patches and vaginal rings. Researchers followed the health of more than 1.5 million women for over 10 years and discovered that those who utilized vaginal rings have a six times higher risk of developing blood clots than women using non-hormonal methods of birth control. Women who used the transdermal patches had a risk eight times higher than those not using hormonal contraceptives.

Researchers also looked at progesterone implants, but found no significant increase in blood clot risk.

Product liability attorneys in Maryland are concerned that women already at high risk of VTE may be taking non-oral contraceptives and increasing the chance of stroke and serious injury. Physicians are encouraged to discuss a patient’s health history, and any relevant risk factors, before prescribing contraceptives such as vaginal rings and transdermal patches. Those at a high risk of VTE should be regularly monitored and eliminate behaviors that may further increase the danger of clots, such as smoking.

With an increase in blood clot injuries in women using these non-oral forms of birth control, an uptick in birth control injury lawsuits are expected, similar to those faced by Bayer AG, maker of oral contraceptives Yasmin and Yaz. In those cases, Bayer ultimately agreed to pay an estimated $110 million to settle some 500 lawsuits over claims that its contraceptives caused venous thromboembolism (VTE).

VTE is a potentially fatal condition in which blood clots occur and travel through the veins. These blood clots can cause heart attack and stroke, and, in extreme cases, a clot can travel to the lung and result in death. Women who are currently utilizing vaginal ring or transdermal patch contraceptives and have experienced serious medical side effects are advised to contact an experienced Maryland product liability attorney for more information.

Written by Phil Balbo, staff writer for Price Benowitz LLP. To learn more about birth control and their potential to cause blood clots, please visit the National Institute of Health. Please contact the Maryland personal injury attorneys with Price Benowitz LLP for a free consultation.