More free guest PI blogs

The great thing about Gavin and his way of business is that he really gets that giving tends to result in people giving back – he is happy to promote others and other resources in the knowledge, but not the requirement, that they will naturally want to help him. His resources, like this site, become useful resources for others and so on.

At Evolved Legal, we are certainly happy to help Gavin in any way we can and are sure other readers of this blog feel likewise.

In any event, Gavin has kindly allowed us to post some other personal injury resources which accept suitable guest blogs. The sites concerned are :-

We are more than happy to post useful content, with perhaps 1 or 2 links, but it must be 100% original and quality content and not a shameless plug. The other rule is that any post must refer to 3rd party resources which may be genuinely helpful for the reader.

We are not yet as organised as Gavin, so please email your content to