New Accident Claims Advice Website Launches for UK Residents

London, UK (PI Claims Blawg UK 20 October 2014). The following is a new legal press release from Accident Claims Web:-

This month a new website launched in partnership with the Accident Claimline, with the aim of helping UK residents and workers to claim for compensation from an accident.  With the proliferation of ambulance-chasing style tactics from many personal injury claims management companies, the Accident Claims Web has a different approach.

They don’t actively pursue accident claims from UK residents and workers, but instead let potential claimants find their website online and then present back relevant information and advice.  Then if the claimant wishes to call the dedicated call centre, they can – and receive immediate accident claims advice on what to do next and if they wish, be connected up with a personal injury solicitor local to them.

You can see the website on and also read a bit more below about the various accident claims types that they specialise in.

Accident at Work Claims

One of the more common UK accident claims involves people who have been injured in the workplace.  The Accident Claims Web works with solicitors around the UK who are specialists in accident at work compensation.  For more information visit their website.

Industrial Injury Compensation

Working in heavy and manual industry can often result in injuries leading to accident claims involving industrial disease and industrial deafness.  If you think you might have been affected by your working environment then get in touch with the Accident Claims Web to discuss the matter.  All conversations are no-obligation. For more information visit their industrial injury compensation page.

Sports Injury Claims

With millions of people in the UK playing sports every weekend, the chance of accident can be quite high, especially in contact sports such as rugby and football.  The Accident Claims Web has a dedicated sports injury claims section, with sub-sections dedicated to most major sporting activities.  If you have been injured whilst playing, then please visit their website to see what options are open to you in terms of claiming for sports injury compensation.

How the Accident Claims Web Works

Here’s a brief overview of how the process works for people in the UK seeking accident claims advice.

  1. The claimant searches for their specific accident claim on the website.
  2. After reading through the pre-qualifying information to make sure they have a valid accident claim they call the Freephone number.
  3. They will then speak to a specialist in the Accident Claimline’s call centre who will take further information from them about the accident.
  4. If there is an accident claim or personal injury case to answer, the call centre operative will connect the claimant up with a local personal injury solicitor.

About the Accident Claimline

The Accident Claimline have been established for over a decade and are specialists in accident claims and injury claims in the United Kingdom.  They work on a no win no fee agreement meaning UK claimants do not have to pay any up-front legal fees.  By calling them via the Accident Claims Web, claimants are under no obligation to use their services.

They are fully regulated by the Claims Management Regulator in respect of claims management activities CRM28108 and full details of our registration can be found at

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