New Study Shows Even Mild Head Injury Can Result in Significant Brain Abnormalities

A new study suggests that even a mild head injury can cause significant problems in brain function. This latest study supports earlier research which has suggested that even seemingly mild cases of traumatic brain injury (TBI) can lead to long-lasting neurological problems, including confusion, chronic headaches, depression, loss of cognitive function and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder.

According to its authors, the study published in the May issue of the Journal of Neuroscience, is designed to help researchers and health care professionals find improved ways of treating patients who suffer from a traumatic brain injury. Specifically, the researchers have expressed hope that their findings will help doctors better understand the underlying structural and functional changes that take place in the brain following a head injury.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimate that 1.7 million Americans suffer a traumatic brain injury each year. Approximately 75% of these injuries result in a concussion or another mild form of TBI. Traumatic brain injuries are the cause of approximately one-third of all injury related deaths occurring the U.S. annually. By age, children aged 0 to 4, teens aged 15 to 19 and individuals aged 65 or older are most likely to suffer a traumatic brain injury

Head and brain injuries frequently occur as the result of car crashes and other accidental injuries. A recent report issued by The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and State Farm Insurance indicated that approximately 30% of teen drivers sustain a head injury as the result of a car accident. Head injuries are also common among motorcyclists and bicyclists who are involved in collisions with other vehicles.

When a car accident, bicycle accident or motorcycle accident leads to a traumatic brain injury, it’s important that the victim and their family understand their legal rights. In some cases, brain injury sufferers may be entitled to compensation for medical bills, lost wages and pain and suffering. When a traumatic brain injury occurs, its’ recommended that you contact an experienced California brain injury lawyer as soon as possible to discuss your case.