Personal Injury in a Construction Zone

Road construction is a nuisance all drivers encounter at some point and time. It is a fact of life. Without it, our road system would plunge into disrepair and make vehicular travel all but impossible. But road construction can be dangerous to drive through. Work zone crash data compiled by the Federal Highway Administration reported over 87,000 crashes in 2010. Most of these crashes didn’t result in fatalities, although 30 percent of them resulted in personal injury.

Unfortunately, even with all of the road construction safety laws designed to protect drivers, some work zones are poorly maintained. Sometimes signs are missing, hidden behind equipment or materials, or incorrect. Situations like this can make an already dangerous situation even more hazardous.

Other hazards in construction zones include construction vehicles suddenly coming into traffic lanes or material falling on vehicles as they pass by. Recently in New York, construction debris from a bridge construction project fell from an overpass onto a passing vehicle below. That vehicle then caused an accident involving four other vehicles.

These sort of construction related accidents occur more often than you might expect. If injured in a traffic crash in a construction zone, an individual needs to have someone collect evidence quickly. Construction zones are constantly changing, so evidence can disappear quickly. Road work may be completed and signs could be moved or taken down.

Therefore, it is imperative to act right away. Without gathering the proper documentation quickly, evidence can be lost forever. And lost with that evidence may be your chances of ever collecting damages from the responsible party. Therefore it is in your best interest to hire an accident attorney to handle the case quickly and efficiently for you. Hiring a lawyer with personal injury experience can ensure you collect the damages you deserve.