Quitting Smoking With Chantix May Be More Costly Than You Think

ChantixPeople attempt to quit smoking on a regular basis, and sometimes they succeed. Often, they find themselves seeking alternative therapies, some of which may include the use of prescription medication. Chantix (varenicline), developed by Pfizer, is a non-nicotine smoking cessation drug that offers an apparent 44 percent success rate when combined with anti-smoking education, according to the Chantix official website.

Other studies though, such as one published in the Nicotine & Tobacco Research journal shows only a 14 percent success rate after 24 weeks on the medication. Although Chantix has a record of helping a percentage of people in their attempts to quit smoking, people are asking themselves if the potential side effects are worth it. Read further to see how Chantix can have serious effects on health.

Behavioral Changes with Chantix

Often, medications come with warnings taped to their containers and written in their pamphlets. Behavioral changes are distinctly associated with Chantix, and the company’s website makes the following warning: “Some people have had changes in behavior, hostility, agitation, depressed mood, suicidal thoughts or actions while using CHANTIX to help them quit smoking.”

Physical Changes with Chantix

Behavioral changes are just one of the possible side effects of this drug. Though the Chantix website doesn’t provide any specific percentages when it comes to how many people are affected by changing moods, they do make it quite clear that 30 percent of people who take Chantix end up feeling nauseated. The other common symptoms include sleep problems, vomiting, constipation, and gas.

Increase in Heart Attack Risk with Chantix

Possible death is a warning that is sometimes found on medication packaging. Chantix warns of an increased risk of heart attack. John Hopkins University researchers studied 8,216 patients who were on the drug and they found that one in every 400 patients developed a heart attack or similar disorder while on Chantix.

Increased Suicide Risk with Chantix

In addition to the potential risk of heart attack or heart-related disorder, death is a serious potential side effect in Chantix users. In 2011, the Institute for Safe Medication Practices published that 272 people had committed suicide while taking Chantix. By 2011, with this number of deaths, Chantix had more deaths associated with it than had any other monitored drug on the market at the time.

Pfizer also warns people who are taking Chantix that they may have serious allergic reactions to the anti-smoking medication. They go as far as to say that some of those reactions can be life-threatening, such as swelling of the face and neck, and troubles breathing.

With smokers make up nearly 20 percent of the US population, it’s no wonder people are looking for ways to quit. Considering all the options and weighing out the risk of Chantix and other smoking cessation drugs, it’s clear to see why people are beginning to question Chantix and its side effects.

If you or a loved one have experienced harmful side effects because of taking Chantix, it is important to seek legal representation as soon as possible.  The Cagle Law Firm is a dangerous drug law firm located in St. Louis, Missouri.  For more information about the detrimental side effects of Chantix, visit the website at www.AllInjuryAttorney.com.