Safe Driving in Pennsylvania

According to AAA Foundation, in the US, every 13 minutes someone dies on the road. Whether you are the driver or a pedestrian, it’s important to keep everyone’s safety top of mind. Although driving feels like second nature after you’ve had your license for years, it’s important to remember the basics in order to protect yourself and others from harm.

Read the following tips to makes sure you are driving safe in PA:

  • Follow the steer clear law. The steer clear law requires motorists to move over or slow down when they enter an emergency scene or approach a disabled vehicle. Failure to move or slow down can result in the fine of $250. Fines for traffic violations are doubled in these areas. Avoid the fine and avoid harming yourself and others.
  • Use your headlights. Motorists are required to use their headlights whenever their wipers are in use due to weather conditions. According to, motorists who do not follow this law can face fines between $25 to $100.
  • Remove snow and ice. By law, you are required to remove all snow and ice from your vehicle before you hit the road. Snow and ice falling from your car can result in accidents, injuries, or even death.
  • Watch the road. Be aware of others around you and keep all of your attention on the road at all times. Adjust your seats, mirrors, and climate controls before you start driving. Set your GPS while you’re still in your driveway before you embark on your journey.
  • Refrain from cell phone usage. Texting and driving is illegal in Pennsylvania and many other states. A single second that you avert your eyes from the road could result in an accident. Take the time to pull over and make a phone call rather than trying to multi-task behind the wheel. For the safety of you and those around you, your cell phone can wait.

Editor’s notes – see also some of Philadelphia’s Best Motorcycle Accident Lawyers in Pennsylvania for more information on relevant attorneys in the area.

Prevent accidents from happening by following these safe driving techniques. For more information and safe driving tips, contact the experts from Bucks County Driving Schools at 215-295-8003.