Sandy’s aftermath – Can all damages be rightly claimed?

The fierce Hurricane Sandy has left thousands of people in heavily damaged homes, without power, heat or hot water. Many of Sandy’s victims are still suffering, and living conditions are harsh for tens of thousands of people who have still been unable to return to their homes.

Hurricane Sandy destroyed the east coast and left New Jersey coastal towns, New York City and plenty of other locations with billions of dollars worth of damages. Teams are working night and day — ordering home inspections, helping people get meals, water and gas for generators.

With cases of flooding, structural damage, power outages and more, the clean-up process for Sandy is certain to be extended and costly. In a situation like this, many homeowners’ insurance policies are pretty clever and do not cover the cost caused from flooding. In order for flood claims to be paid, a consumer must have already purchased a flood policy prior to the arrival of Hurricane Sandy.

Many victims may have to sue their insurance companies to get full coverage for weather related damages. In context of the present bad economy, most Americans probably cannot afford the services of an experienced lawyer.

In a situation like this, it is best for victims to get free legal advice and take advantage from pro bono legal services available online. These services have a staff of renowned lawyers and paralegals that will assist you in getting your required claim for damage caused as a result of Sandy.

Let’s hope the US law can get all damages caused as a result of the ferocious Sandy rightly claimed for ones who deserve the most…