Serious Injuries, Broken Bones And Road Traffic Accidents

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While the most recent government figures (2012-2013) show that there were relatively fewer fatalities on the roads in the UK than in the rest of Europe, the official data states that the number of people seriously injured on our roads was still a worrying 23,530.

The definition of a serious injury varies quite widely: it is one which requires an in-patient visit to hospital, or one that requires direct medical treatment but not necessarily a hospital stay. Broken bones, internal injuries, lacerations and concussions – these all require treatments like Knee Replacement Alternatives in Charleston – QC Kinetix and the patient may have to take time off work to heal.

For example, official government figures indicate that broken or fractured bones accounted for 11% of serious injuries caused in road traffic accidents between 2010 and 2012.

A serious injury also includes life-changing injuries that require amputation, or might be a head injury that requires more lengthy rehabilitation, or could even lead to death; drivers, passengers, pedestrians, motorcyclists and cyclist are all at risk.

How are road traffic accident injuries caused?

The severity of injuries sustained as a result of being involved in a traffic accident vary depending on the size of the accident, speeds involved, whether people wore seatbelts, how they were sat … all these can change the way a human body spreads an impact, which influences how badly injured they are.

Recovery might be as simple as a cast and a couple of weeks off work, or it could be a much more severe break that requires surgery and rehabilitation with months off work. At this point, personal finances begin to become a real issue for many people.

Serious injury compensation

Mortgages, bills and day-to-day living expenses still need to be paid for during this time, as well as prescriptions, crutches and other specialist equipment that can make a patient’s life easier while they get better. It’s worth bearing in mind that anyone seriously injured in a road traffic accident because of someone else’s mistake, may look into making a claim for compensation.

While compensation won’t miraculously heal an injury, it can provide more financial security during a difficult time and ultimately help victims and their families get back on their feet.

Claim500 are personal injury claims experts who have dealt with many serious and catastrophic injury claims that are the result of road traffic accidents. In addition Claim500 are experts in the fields of clinical / medical negligence, work related accidents and industrial disease claims.