Seriously Injured in a Car Accident? Follow These Steps

No one plans or wants to be involved in a car accident. However, more than three million people are injured in car crashes every year. In other words, it could easily happen to you. The sad fact of the matter is that the majority of auto accidents are completely avoidable. Even if you’re a very conscientious driver, you can’t control what other people do on the road. As a result, it’s important to know what to do in the wake of an accident. Protecting your rights is vital. From collecting the other driver’s information to exploring the option of getting a lawsuit cash advance, there’s a lot to keep in mind. A breakdown of the most important steps is provided below.

What to Do in the Aftermath of a Car Accident

Exchange Information – After the dust has settled, exchange contact information with the other driver. Make sure to also get their driver’s license, insurance and vehicle registration information. You can jot everything down on a piece of paper, or you can take photos of these documents with your phone. If there were passengers in the other driver’s car, get their contact information as well. The same thing goes for anyone who witnessed the accident.

Take Plenty of Pictures – As long as you have a smartphone or a cell phone with a camera, you should be able to take photos right away. In fact, it is in your best interests to do so. The accident scene can change quickly. Take photos of the vehicles that were involved; zero in on any damage that occurred. Snap shots of evidence like skid marks and broken glass on the road. Take pictures of traffic control devices, rights of way, lanes and other parts of the scene. These photos could prove to be invaluable later.

File a Police Report – While you’re still at the scene, call the police. When they come out, make sure that a report is being filed. Get a copy of it as quickly as possible.

Consult a Lawyer – It’s not unusual for various expenses to arise in the wake of an accident. From missing work and pay to owing medical bills, you may be able to file a lawsuit to recoup your losses. Keep receipts for all of the expenses that you incur due to the accident. You may be able to be reimbursed for those expenses later.

Finally, lawsuits can take a while to unfold. In the meantime, you might want to get a lawsuit cash advance. It will help you through the financial stress of dealing with an auto accident, and the process is quick and easy.

Jill Burbank is a blogger who writes for several online publications. Follow Jill @JillBurbank2.