Shop and supermarket accident claims

When you step out to do your weekly shop or pop down to the local corner shop, you would expect to go in, buy what you need and leave. However, sometimes accidents happen and you could sustain an injury, perhaps by slipping on a wet floor. As a result, it is important to understand how to make shop and supermarket accident claims.

Shops and supermarkets have a legal responsibility to ensure the safety of their customers at all times. There are a number of a health and safety laws that are in place which provide a set of specific procedures that shops legally have to carry out.

Types of shop and supermarket accidents

When you sit down and think about it, there are a number of potential hazards in shops and supermarkets that could result in some form of accident occurring. Featured below are some prime examples of where a successful personal injury claim has been made:

  • Slipping on a wet surface that wasn’t properly signed
  • Slipping or tripping in the car park
  • Being injured by sharp edges on shelving
  • Being hit by a falling object or unsecure display

If you have been involved in a situation similar to one of the above and it wasn’t your fault, you could have valid grounds to make a shop and supermarket accident claim.

How to make a shop and supermarket accident claim

As with any personal injury case, it is essential that you gather as much evidence as possible to support your claim. This could include witness statements, photographs and much more. If you talk to a personal injury solicitor they will be able to tell you exactly what evidence will compliment your case the most.

Once your solicitor feels that all of the appropriate evidence has been gathered and you wish to press on with the claim, your solicitor will make contact with the other side. They then have 3 months to respond and either reject or accept your claim. If they accept fault, both legal teams will negotiate and agreeable amount of compensation. However, if the claim is rejected, the case will go to court and be settled by a judge. Although, it is never in anyone’s best interests to go to court as there are often hefty legal fees involved in such a proceeding.

Injury Claim Specialists is one of the UK’s leading personal injury advice websites. We pride ourselves on offering easy to understand, plain English injury claims advice on a wide range of different injury related topics. There are also a number of extremely useful tools such as the Compensation Calculator, which can give you a compensation estimate in less than a second, and the Injury Claims Guide is at hand to answer all of your personal injury related questions.