Tag: car accident

Common Car Malfunctions that Can Lead to Accidents

Vehicle malfunctions can cause some of the worst imaginable accidents. Car malfunctions are sometimes rather innocuous, such as having the “check engine” light come on and stay on; no matter how many times a mechanic checks the engine. There are other malfunctions, however, that can be deadly. Most of them can be eliminated by simple […]

Year in Review (2011)-Car Accidents

If you live in Alabama, you may already know that you are at a high risk of being involved in some kind of car accident at some point in your lifetime.  Alabama’s US Route 431, once made a “Dangerous Roadways” list and was coined “Highway to Hell”.  While some improvements have been made, the statistics […]

Texas Distracted Driving Statistics for 2012

Despite numerous safety features in vehicles these days, traffic fatalities remain to be a problem across the USA. Each state has different laws regulating the use of cell phones while driving; including texting, talking, or the need for a hands free device.  Texas in particular is a state that sees a high rate of fatalities […]

What you should do if the Other Driver has no Insurance

Car accidents are serious events. In many cases, vehicle accidents can cause damage to personal or government property, injury, or even possible death. In most cases, insurance providers are able and willing to cover the costs associated with an automobile accident; however, options may be limited when the other driver does not have insurance for […]

Identifying Dangerous Toyota Prius Recalls

Cars are an essential part of our lives. They take us to work, school, the grocery store, and a number of other destinations that are important in our everyday life. While there are a number of high quality cars currently on the market, the Toyota Prius has gained recent notoriety due to its high fuel […]

Accidents and Uninsured Drivers in the UK

Drivers in the UK are required, by law, to be covered by Car Insurance, yet it is believed that up to 6% of all drivers, actually on the roads in the UK, don’t have insurance. First off this is pretty ridiculous, and it’s surprising how these individuals feel like they can get away with it. […]