Tag: Car accidents

Do Bluetooth Systems in Vehicles Really Cut Down on Distracted Driving?

Distracted driving is becoming a huge problem in the USA. With more people unable to ignore their phones, traffic accidents are on the rise. In fact, texting while driving makes the driver 23 times more likely to be involved in a crash. While 93 percent of drivers recently surveyed said they would support a ban […]

Texas Distracted Driving Statistics for 2012

Despite numerous safety features in vehicles these days, traffic fatalities remain to be a problem across the USA. Each state has different laws regulating the use of cell phones while driving; including texting, talking, or the need for a hands free device.  Texas in particular is a state that sees a high rate of fatalities […]

Hit By An Uninsured Motorist

This contribution is brought to you by Estey & Bomberger LLP. If you need a San Diego injury lawyer, do not hesitate to call Estey & Bomberger at  (619)-873-4498. Even the least damaging car accidents can turn into major headaches. The stress and complications can grow exponentially when you discover that the at-fault driver is […]

Safe Driving Tips to Avoid Accidents in a Winter Storm

For people who have lived in areas in which snow and ice are a regular occurrence during the winter, driving in these conditions may seem like second nature. However, despite experience and expertise gained over time, operating any motor vehicle in severe wintry conditions can prove dangerous and, in some cases, fatal. Every year, thousands […]

What are Your Options If You are Injured in a Hit and Run?

According to Crime Prevention Tips, hit and run car accidents are those in which one driver fails to stop or offer assistance following a mishap that causes injury or damage. While most drivers do all that they can to render help when it comes to a situation such as this, others flee the scene of […]

What State has the Most Lenient DUI/DWI Laws?

Getting caught driving under the influence can change any person’s life; if they’re lucky enough to avoid a fatal accident, injuring an innocent person and damaging their car, they’ll only be facing problems with the law. In some states, DUI offenders learn very quickly from strict laws that driving under the influence is unacceptable, but […]

Identifying Dangerous Toyota Prius Recalls

Cars are an essential part of our lives. They take us to work, school, the grocery store, and a number of other destinations that are important in our everyday life. While there are a number of high quality cars currently on the market, the Toyota Prius has gained recent notoriety due to its high fuel […]

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is quickly becoming one of the biggest problems on the road today. Many drivers will multi-task while driving, putting their own life and the lives of others at risk for injury or even death. In fact, each day, more than 15 people are killed from distracted driving and another 1,200 people are injured. […]

British Transport Police officer reprimanded for dangerous driving that resulted in serious injury

The Evening Standard reports that a British Transport Police officer has been handed an eight-month suspended prison sentence after he hit and almost killed an up-and-coming young musician in London. PC David Lynch was handed a suspended sentence by the Southwark Crown Court in addition to a number of other punishments, including his being banned […]