Tag: Injury lawyers

Reforming the civil law of damages

Guest post from Dallas McMillan’s injury lawyers in Glasgow (click here). Connect with personal injury specialist David McElroy on Google+ here and on LinkedIn here. The law on key aspects of damages for personal injury should be modernised and simplified, according to a significant and wide-ranging consultation launched by the Scottish Government in December. Suggested […]

The Rise of the Financial Downturn: Contributing Factors

Guest post from personal injury lawyers. While most businesses are hit hard by the economic crisis, the claims market actually thrives during a financial downturn. Although many experts grumble about the compensation culture, statistics show that economic booms correlate with fewer personal injury claims. So why are people calling up their lawyers so readily during […]

Making a Personal Injury Claim for Medical Negligence by Yourself

Post regarding making a personal injury claim for medical negligence by yourself and the challenges you should consider. Being injured by or whilst in the care of a healthcare provider can be very unpleasant. You may be overcome with feelings of helplessness and anger. These are common and to be expected, especially if the injury […]

Choosing a Reputable Injury Lawyer

(in the USA and elsewhere) Hiring a lawyer is a difficult process, especially for individuals who have not worked with legal representation in the past. The task is made even more challenging when the need for specialization develops, as is often the case when hiring an injury lawyer. While many injury lawyers are considered to […]

Industrial Deafness Caused by Noise in the Workplace

Industrial deafness, also referred to as noise induced hearing loss, is a condition that impairs a person’s hearing due to long exposure to loud noises. Exposure to loud noises for a long period of time can cause temporary and even permanent loss of hearing and can cause conditions such as acoustic shock syndrome in a […]