Tag: medical malpractice

Mirena IUD Caused Injury? You May Be Eligible for Compensation

  Many women today use some form of contraception as a way to plan the size of their families. While most birth control is safe to use, other forms cause women to suffer serious health problems. Bayer Pharmaceutical’s Mirena IUD in particular has proven to be one of the more detrimental forms of birth control […]

Medical Malpractice Meets Fraud

Medical malpractice has reached another level this week with reports coming from a Chicago hospital regarding a pulmonologist who allegedly performed unnecessary tracheotomies—procedures to open air passages in the windpipe—according to the Chicago Tribune. The owner, chief financial officer and five physicians of Chicago’s Sacred Heart Hospital are charged with Medicare fraud. The issues is […]

How to Recognize and Respond To Medical Malpractice

There is an old saying that goes,“If you have your health – you have everything.” Staying healthy takes effort, and every bit of that effort is worthwhile. Part of that effort includes going to a doctor for regular exams or to address a problem. According to the personal injury attorneys at www.virginia-personalinjurylawyer.com, “in general, any […]

5 Texas Pharmacies with Medical Malpractice Claims Filed Against Them

When you need to have a prescription filled, you might not consider whether the pharmacy you choose is the right one. After all, it’s easy to assume that all pharmacies are essentially the same and that it’s a simple procedure to fill a prescription. Yet there are many things that can go wrong between the […]

Treatment Options for Traumatic Brain Injury

We often hear, “the world is a dangerous place.” The planet is not only filled with emotional problems and mental stressors, but many physical hazards, as well. While there are a number of dangers faced by individuals living in the world today, the development of a traumatic brain injury is one of the most common. […]

Medical Malpractice Claims; Only the Researched Survive

From the perspective of medical doctors, the current model of medical malpractice is not sustainable. Medical malpractice claims are rising. This current trend leads to higher costs for medical practitioners in attorney fees and insurance, contributes to the stress of the practice of medicine, and sometimes dissuades the best and brightest doctors from entering higher […]

What To Do If You Think Your Psychiatrist Is Guilty Of Malpractice

All psychiatrists have a duty to care for their patients and protect them from harm. Psychiatric malpractice is very different from traditional medicine malpractices because it often deals with people who are mentally ill or unstable. If you suspect that your psychiatrist is guilty of malpractice, read the information below. What Constitutes as Malpractice? Many […]