Tag: personal injury attorney

Had A Car Accident With A Pedestrian? Here’s What You Should Know

According to the US Department of Transportation, as many as 4432 pedestrians were killed in 2011 in traffic accidents across the country. Children and older adults, particularly, are more likely to become victims of car-pedestrian accidents. On an average, there’s one pedestrian injured every 8 minutes and one death occurs every two hours. With the […]

US Travel Injury Claims Information for UK Travelers

Tens of millions of tourists arrive in the United States every year to experience its many landmarks, rich melting pot of cultures, and natural beauty. Most tourists will bring back photographs and fond memories. Unfortunately, not all vacations go as planned. Accidents can happen anywhere, and the United States is no exception. When traveling abroad, […]

How to Recognize and Respond To Medical Malpractice

There is an old saying that goes,“If you have your health – you have everything.” Staying healthy takes effort, and every bit of that effort is worthwhile. Part of that effort includes going to a doctor for regular exams or to address a problem. According to the personal injury attorneys at www.virginia-personalinjurylawyer.com, “in general, any […]

When Medicines Kill You (Instead of Helping You)

All of us take different kinds of medicines for different purposes. Some take food supplements and multivitamins, while some take maintenance medicines for their high blood pressure, heart problems, lung problems and others. We trust our doctors and take whatever medicine they give us, since we know that they have our best interests in mind. […]

Facts about Dog Bites and the Dogs Responsible

By far, dogs are the most common household pet in America, with 39% of households owning one or more dogs, according to the U.S. Humane Society. While many of these dogs are well-trained and loving, there are, unfortunately, many others that are aggressive and prone to harming a person if they become agitated or feel […]

General Public Has Right to View Previously Sealed Documents in Defective Gun Case

A federal district court recently ruled that the general public has the right to access sealed court documents in a products liability suit implicating one of the biggest rifle manufacturers on the planet.  The case, Aleksich v. Remington, involves an incident where a teenager from Butte, Montana was wounded by the discharge of a Model […]