Tag: personal injury blog

National Phone Survey on Distracted Driving Attitudes and Behaviors

The following article is provided by the law firm of Allen, Allen, Allen & Allen. They are one of the largest and oldest law firms in Virginia specializing in personal injury and medical malpractice cases. Visit them online at www.allenandallen.com and also at www.tractortraileraccident-attorney.com. There is a deadly epidemic spreading across our country known as […]

Possible trends in personal injury 2012

As many will know, big changes are coming in the lucrative personal injury market. Personal injury has certainly been the most lucrative legal niche outside of the big corporate law firms, and many smaller firms have entered into the market seeking to exploit the relatively low risk and high reward whiplash claim market, which many […]

Choosing a personal injury solicitor

If you have been injured through no fault of your own at the hands of a medical professional, an accident in the workplace et-cetera, then you must seek compensation, especially if the injury is lasting. Making a claim for compensation however is a lengthy and complicated process and seeking the help of a legal professional […]