Tag: personal injury

Quitting Smoking With Chantix May Be More Costly Than You Think

People attempt to quit smoking on a regular basis, and sometimes they succeed. Often, they find themselves seeking alternative therapies, some of which may include the use of prescription medication. Chantix (varenicline), developed by Pfizer, is a non-nicotine smoking cessation drug that offers an apparent 44 percent success rate when combined with anti-smoking education, according […]

Toning Shoes Injuries

Toning shoes, a popular trend among top shoe manufacturers that surfaced and gained worldwide renown in 2010, promise to improve the muscle tone of the calves, thighs and buttocks when worn consistently during regular walking. The curved, rolling soles of this type of shoe cause the wearer to walk unstably, forcing the targeted muscle groups […]

Are Pit Bull Dangers Exaggerated?

First, for the truly freaked out, it bears noting that there is no actual “pit bull” breed. The breed is actually a combination of five, all known fondly as “bully breeds.” These include not only theAmerican Pit Bull Terrier and the American Staffordshire Terrier, but – according to some dog lovers – the Bull Terrier […]

Signs of a Tired Truck Driver: Avoiding an Accident Before it happens

Safe travel is dependent on multiple factors. The main two factors being your driving and the driving of the other motorists with whom you’re sharing the road. Especially when you are travelling long distances along the interstate highway system, you will most likely be travelling amongst large semi-trucks. The reason for this is obvious; the […]

Dog Bites: Three Breeds You May Want to Avoid

Dog bites and attacks are not uncommon. However, certain species of dog tend to be more aggressive than others, and are more prone to attacking or biting. Unfortunately, most attacks tend to be directed at children. While aggressive dogs also target adults, 42 percent of dog attacks last year were directed at children 11 years […]

Safe Driving Tips to Avoid Accidents in a Winter Storm

For people who have lived in areas in which snow and ice are a regular occurrence during the winter, driving in these conditions may seem like second nature. However, despite experience and expertise gained over time, operating any motor vehicle in severe wintry conditions can prove dangerous and, in some cases, fatal. Every year, thousands […]

Most Common Wrongful Death Accidents

According to prominent legal reference source Duhaime.org, wrongful death suits are filed by the entitled legal survivors of an individual who has died due to the negligence or wrongdoing of another. The suit aims to compensate the victim’s surviving family and/or spouse for the death, and usually includes some type of compensation associated with the […]

How to Handle a Brain Injury Lawsuit When Your Cognitive Ability is Impaired

Cognitive ability refers to the way a person reacts and processes things which are going on around them – basically, it is one’s ability to think. Cognition is used in almost everything a person does from moving their hand to answering questions on a hard test. Cognitive ability involves the following functions:       […]