Tag: personal injury

When to Hire an Asbestos Lawyer

It’s a sad fact that more and more people are being diagnosed with asbestos-related illnesses. Companies and construction firms regularly used asbestos up until the 1980s, and because many asbestos-related illnesses can remain latent for years before their victims begin to exhibit symptoms, several people who were exposed to asbestos while on the job or […]

Bicycle Laws are a “Jumble” in Southern California!

Woodland Hills Personal Injury Attorney Barry P. Goldberg has analyzed the laws on sidewalk bicycle riding and advises his friends, family and clients to not ride on the sidewalks even if legal in certain places. Bicyclists are vulnerable to accident and injury even in the best of traffic circumstances. The injuries can be life changing […]

Treatment Options for Traumatic Brain Injury

We often hear, “the world is a dangerous place.” The planet is not only filled with emotional problems and mental stressors, but many physical hazards, as well. While there are a number of dangers faced by individuals living in the world today, the development of a traumatic brain injury is one of the most common. […]

Long-term failings by GKN Aerospace leads to long-term nerve damage to workers

A Health and Safety Executive news release yesterday reported that GKN Aerospace has been fined after a number of its employees were left with significant long-term physical disabilities due to health and safety failings. GKN Aerospace is “one of the world’s largest independent first tier suppliers to the global aviation industry”. A GKN health surveillance […]