Tag: product liability

Tesla Sparks Serious Product Liability Issues

Tesla Motors has made quite a spark in the news recently. With two electric cars catching fire in the U.S. since October, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration began a probe for more information. The NHTSA requested information about design modifications and engineering drawings for the Model S electric sedan. Tesla has until Jan. 14 […]

Football Helmets Continue to Be a Concern with Product Liability

It seems as if football is under the microscope every year with new discoveries about the effects of concussions and the ever-changing rules about tackling and where a player can hit another player. This pressure mounts on football equipment manufacturers, the players and the families of young players, as parents weigh the risks and concerns […]

PLIVA, Inc. v. Mensing: The Preemption Puzzle & Product Liability

Drug manufacturers have a duty to provide adequate warnings to consumers about the dangers their drugs present.  If a drug manufacturer knows or should have known about a risk of injury and fails to adequately disclose it, then under the product liability law theory of “failure-to-warn” the manufacturer may be liable to a consumer who […]

Statistics of Birth Defects Caused by Medication the Mother Took During Pregnancy

A birth defect is when a baby is born with a physical, mental, structural or biochemical abnormality. Birth defects can be caused for a variety of reasons, including the mother’s exposure to certain chemicals, genetic reasons, or hormonal reasons. However, a very serious and little known reason for birth defects can be the medication a […]

Quitting Smoking With Chantix May Be More Costly Than You Think

People attempt to quit smoking on a regular basis, and sometimes they succeed. Often, they find themselves seeking alternative therapies, some of which may include the use of prescription medication. Chantix (varenicline), developed by Pfizer, is a non-nicotine smoking cessation drug that offers an apparent 44 percent success rate when combined with anti-smoking education, according […]

Toning Shoes Injuries

Toning shoes, a popular trend among top shoe manufacturers that surfaced and gained worldwide renown in 2010, promise to improve the muscle tone of the calves, thighs and buttocks when worn consistently during regular walking. The curved, rolling soles of this type of shoe cause the wearer to walk unstably, forcing the targeted muscle groups […]

Vaginal Mesh Implants: Is Any Brand Safe?

These days, we are faced with more and more options when it comes to our healthcare. While many of the new products on the market are highly beneficial—and in some cases, can even be lifesaving—others are not as effective. This is especially true when it comes to vaginal mesh implants, which may vary quite dramatically […]

Toning Shoes can put you in a Wheelchair

Over the past several decades, the lives of individuals residing in the United States have become increasingly hectic. Work, school, and other obligations mean that people do not have the same amount of time to exercise and recreate as they did in the past. Unfortunately, this inactivity—combined with poor eating styles and certain genetic factors—means […]

Be Safe This Christmas: Avoid These Dangerous Toys

The Christmas holidays can be a magical time for families, but they can also be a very dangerous time for those who haven’t done their homework about which toys will present a threat to their children. In a rush to get their products on store shelves before the Christmas shopping season begins, many companies don’t […]