Tag: traumatic brain injury

Treatment Options for Traumatic Brain Injury

We often hear, “the world is a dangerous place.” The planet is not only filled with emotional problems and mental stressors, but many physical hazards, as well. While there are a number of dangers faced by individuals living in the world today, the development of a traumatic brain injury is one of the most common. […]

How to Handle a Brain Injury Lawsuit When Your Cognitive Ability is Impaired

Cognitive ability refers to the way a person reacts and processes things which are going on around them – basically, it is one’s ability to think. Cognition is used in almost everything a person does from moving their hand to answering questions on a hard test. Cognitive ability involves the following functions:       […]

High School Football and Traumatic Brain Injuries

Anyone who watches football on a Sunday afternoon knows that it is a sport where brain injuries are common. What many people don’t know is that high school athletes are just as at risk for these injuries. Any contact sport comes with the risk of traumatic brain injuries, and it isn’t just males who are […]

New Study Shows Even Mild Head Injury Can Result in Significant Brain Abnormalities

A new study suggests that even a mild head injury can cause significant problems in brain function. This latest study supports earlier research which has suggested that even seemingly mild cases of traumatic brain injury (TBI) can lead to long-lasting neurological problems, including confusion, chronic headaches, depression, loss of cognitive function and symptoms of post-traumatic […]

Study Finds 30% of Teen Drivers Involved in a Car Crash Suffer Head Injuries

A new report from The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) and State Farm Insurance indicates that teen drivers are at significant risk for suffering a head injury as the result of a car accident. The study looked at car accidents involving approximately 55,000 teen drivers and their passengers who were seriously injured in 2009 and […]