Tag: vehicle accidents

Year in Review (2011)-Car Accidents

If you live in Alabama, you may already know that you are at a high risk of being involved in some kind of car accident at some point in your lifetime.  Alabama’s US Route 431, once made a “Dangerous Roadways” list and was coined “Highway to Hell”.  While some improvements have been made, the statistics […]

Do Bluetooth Systems in Vehicles Really Cut Down on Distracted Driving?

Distracted driving is becoming a huge problem in the USA. With more people unable to ignore their phones, traffic accidents are on the rise. In fact, texting while driving makes the driver 23 times more likely to be involved in a crash. While 93 percent of drivers recently surveyed said they would support a ban […]

Texas Distracted Driving Statistics for 2012

Despite numerous safety features in vehicles these days, traffic fatalities remain to be a problem across the USA. Each state has different laws regulating the use of cell phones while driving; including texting, talking, or the need for a hands free device.  Texas in particular is a state that sees a high rate of fatalities […]

Signs of a Tired Truck Driver: Avoiding an Accident Before it happens

Safe travel is dependent on multiple factors. The main two factors being your driving and the driving of the other motorists with whom you’re sharing the road. Especially when you are travelling long distances along the interstate highway system, you will most likely be travelling amongst large semi-trucks. The reason for this is obvious; the […]

Motorcycle Accident Stats 2012

Motorcycle accidents are a growing concern as the number of people opting for motorcycles as opposed to cars increases. Motorcyclists are at a huge risk while on the road, as their vehicles offer less stability than cars, they have less protection, and they are less visible while on the road. In fact, most motorcycle accidents […]

Safe Driving Tips to Avoid Accidents in a Winter Storm

For people who have lived in areas in which snow and ice are a regular occurrence during the winter, driving in these conditions may seem like second nature. However, despite experience and expertise gained over time, operating any motor vehicle in severe wintry conditions can prove dangerous and, in some cases, fatal. Every year, thousands […]