Tag: whiplash claims

Genuine Whiplash Victims Should Be Given the Justice They Deserve Says Transport Select Committee

Whiplash injuries can arise from motor accidents and can have debilitating consequences for those who suffer them. It is appropriate that people injured in motor accidents through no fault of their own should be able to claim compensation from the party which caused the injury. This is the conclusion from the Transport Select Committee released […]

Could We See an End to Bogus Whiplash Claims?

The Ministry of Justice have started a consultation on reforms with the aim to reduce the epidemic of claims we are witnessing here in Britain. According to statistics there are now 2.7 claims for whiplash for every accident that involves someone in the vehicle being injured. The Numbers: If a change comes out of this […]

Targeting whiplash claims will only result in more suffering

Justice secretary Chris Grayling recently outlined proposals to change the current regulations regarding personal injury road traffic accident claims. The Government predict it will benefit honest drivers who have had to bear the price of a system that has often been open to abuse from frivolous claims. The new proposals, which are to be considered […]

How to File a Claim for Whiplash Injuries

Accident insurance is available in different flavours – traffic accidents, cycling accidents, holiday accidents and so on. These schemes usually cover all of the medical expenses that are incurred while undergoing treatment for the injuries suffered by a victim during the accident. However, there are certain internal injuries that often go unnoticed or are ignored […]

iPhone App to Help ID Whiplash Claimants

The famous Apple iPhone catchphrase; ‘there’s an app for that too’, has spanned its already considerable horizon even further afield. Recently released is an application which allows doctors to take photos of whiplash accident compensation victims which can subsequently be uploaded to a medical report database to confirm identity. Dr David Pearce, who is the […]