The consequences of injuries sustained whilst working with dangerous chemicals

The medical consequences of being injured by a dangerous chemical can be extremely serious. The hazard a chemical presents depends on its properties; if it is flammable or corrosive, contact could be result in burns injuries, explosive chemicals could cause injury and damage over a considerable area, whilst poisonous or radio-active chemicals might cause local or systemic injury to people, with the risk that the hazard could spread into the wider environment if not contained. Certain chemicals toxins can spread throughout the body via the bloodstream and some possess a propensity to target certain internal organs or are specifically reproductive toxins or human carcinogens.

The seriousness of any injuries sustained as a result of contact with a dangerous chemical is usually determined by the toxicity of the chemical, the level and duration of exposure and the effectiveness of medical assistance received by the victim. The injuries themselves range all the way from minor skin irritation through to life threatening burns, respiratory system damage or systemic poisoning causing the failure of one or more major internal organs. Needless to say, the victims of more serious workplace chemical injuries can, in extreme cases, die as a result or suffer life-long devastating disabilities.

No one would suggest that all dangerous chemical related accidents resulting in injuries to workers are due to employers being negligent in carrying out their legal duties to maintain a safe workplace and ensure as far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare of their employees – but a surprisingly large number are. In these cases a consequence of such injuries can be the injured employer taking legal advice from a specialist work accident lawyer and bringing a claim for compensation, get on of the ones suggested in the post
– a fair and reasonable step to take when an employee’s life has been turned upside down through no fault of their own.

In addition to having to defend any personal injury claims and accept higher insurance premiums when compensation is awarded, an employer will also be acutely reminded of the power of negative publicity when it comes to projecting a positive image to customers and the wider community and the direct effect this might have on sales, recruitment and the morale of existing employees. The employer will also be compelled by the Health and Safety Executive or other health and safety authority to take the necessary steps to ensure that a similar dangerous chemical related accident can’t occur again by installing the previously missing risk management measures. In this way the pain, suffering and trauma suffered by the accident victim won’t have been in vain.

If you have been injured by chemicals following an accident at work, and you think you are entitled to compensation, make sure that you instruct a personal injury lawyer who specializes in work related accidents, who will be best placed to assess your case, gather medical and other evidence and claim compensation of your behalf.

Tim Bishop is the senior partner of Wiltshire, Hampshire and Dorset based Bonallack and Bishop – specialist work accident solicitors. For more information about claiming compensation for a work related accident, phone one of their workplace accident solicitors on 01722 422300 or visit their specialist website at