The Latest in Accident Prevention Technology for Vehicles

distracted driverCar accidents have become a topic of concern due in large part to the issues with distracted driving increasing astronomically over the last few years. The big question is how do we cut down on distracted driving and increase safety? Last year there were several new developments in automotive accident prevention technology, debuted by some of the major automakers in the world. Some of them may seem like radical ideas now, but seat-belts and airbags were looked at much the same way when they debuted. Even though there are still people who will not wear their seat-belts and people who look around for old models with no airbags, the question remains: should people be given the choice with these new technologies or should they become standard in all vehicles? Here are some of the newer advances in accident prevention technology followed by the opinion of a major safety group.

Nissan Creates Pedal Manipulation Technology

In what may become standard in all their vehicles, starting with the Elgrand MPV, Nissan premiered their new Emergency Assist for Pedal Manipulation Technology in late 2012. The new system uses four cameras and ultrasonic sonar to detect whether or not the vehicle is in a parking space and if there are obstacles surrounding it. It then automatically adjusts the accelerator and brake pedals in case the driver hits the wrong one while leaving the space.

GM’s Wi-Fi Pedestrian Detection

With the use of Wi-Fi direct, a system that allows devices like smartphones to communicate with each other wirelessly, GM hopes to make pedestrian collisions a thing of the past. Although it is still in the development phase, many believe that the system could roll out shortly. This technology will help drivers locate possible obstacles on the road, like cyclists and construction workers, from as far away as 656 feet. Even though GM is still not ready to launch this technology, it doesn’t mean that this won’t be standard in every vehicle in a couple of years. The reason to seek these sorts of innovations is that commercial vehicles can be a huge liability for the business they run for as they get involved in accidents. Every year, these companies seek the assistance of commercial vehicle wreck attorneys in order to solve these cases, preferably favorably of course. The expenses can be huge as the target of a lawsuit can be a large and well-established business. It is an always present vulnerability that these companies wish to be able to mitigate, understandably.

With the widespread use of smartphones and Wi-Fi, it is only a matter of time until your car is communicating with everything around it, hopefully stopping collisions before they can happen.

The NTSB Says Safety Should be Standard

The National Transportation Safety Board has a strong opinion on the subject, and it should come as no surprise to anybody. They have announced that they believe the government should force automakers to include every new accident prevention safety feature at their own cost. Some companies realize that people may not be willing to pay a markup for these features and so they exclude them during the manufacturing process. The NTSB believes that this should not be an option.

There is a danger in making new technology standard in vehicles before it is properly tested, but if it helps to save even one life, isn’t it worth it? That’s the debate that rages on in the automotive industry and most developers seem to be taking up the cause for the technology becoming standard. Most automakers immediately make their new technology standard in the vehicles when it is road ready. Whether or not this is because they wish people will remain safe or because they are just trying to sell some cars has yet to be seen. One thing is for sure though: if you are thinking about buying a new car, you could do worse than to look out for one with these safety features included.

Although safety features are extremely important, not all crashes can be prevented.  If you or a loved one has suffered serious injury or even death as a result of the carelessness of another driver, talk to a lawyer as soon as possible.  Millar and Mixon, Injury Attorneys is a law firm located in Georgia that specializes in injuries suffered during car accidents.  For more information about safe driving and car accidents, visit the website at