The threats of asbestos

When you’re taking a refreshing walk along the beach, the last thing you’d expect is to be exposed to is asbestos. This shocking discovering was made by a man in Kent, when he spotted pieces of the material washed up on shore.

Residents have called that the popular family beach should be closed so that a proper search and clean-up process can begin. No such closure has occurred, but regular checks are being carried out to remove any traces of hazardous material. The council revealed that 15 kilos of asbestos had been removed from the beach in September. Kent Online has the full story, here.

When it’s not washing up on beaches, asbestos is typically found in factories, mines and buildings that were constructed during the 1950s. The material was prolifically used as an insulating and fireproofing material and has since been banned due to its hazardous nature. However, the dangers of asbestos remain in many buildings still to this day. Even when a house or factory is demolished, the risk of escaping asbestos is present.

What makes asbestos so deadly and difficult to treat is that symptoms can take anywhere between ten and 50 years to show. At this point, it can be hard to recall when you came in contact with the material. This is especially difficult for workers in the construction industry who have worked on countless projects during their career.

It’s vital that asbestos sufferers seek legal advice once they have been diagnosed with an asbestos related condition. Sintons are a law firm in Newcastle upon Tyne that deal with asbestos claims by making full use of the court’s fast track procedure. This helps them secure an early admission of legal responsibility from insurers of the negligent company that was responsible for your exposure.

Asbestos can lead to a number of serious medical conditions such as mesothelioma, lung cancer and asbestosis. No amount of money can make everything okay, but it does help with medical costs and supporting the family while you recover.

The owner of a cladding company in Bedfordshire was recently fined £7,015 and ordered to pay £3,200 in costs after exposing workers to asbestos fibres in a house. It’s worrying to think that the owners of these companies can put their workers in potential danger through their own negligence. If you can’t rely on them, legal action is a safety net you can. To read more about the Bedfordshire story, click here.

1 thought on “The threats of asbestos

  1. lauralouise90

    It really does break my heart to see so many people put their lives and souls into work to end up with asbestos and other diseases like vibration white finger just because employers can’t keep up with basic health and safety regulations!

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