Thousands of Vehicle Recalls in 2013

Thousands upon thousands of vehicles have been recalled this year and it’s only June. It seems as if every major vehicle manufacturer has had to recall some vehicle for a defect. Most Japanese made vehicles that were recalled were due to faulty parts from a parts manufacturer in Japan. Even the world’s most popular manufacturer, Toyota, was among the ever-long list of recalls.

What’s happening with all the recalls?

First, several vehicle manufacturers acquire their parts from other manufacturers, so if that parts manufacturer creates a faulty product, then several vehicles are going to be defective. This has happened both in Japan and in the U.S. and it leads to massive recalls.

Also, some vehicles are not properly built for the conditions they are driven in. For those in the northern areas of the U.S., salt is used on roadways during winter to keep roads from being so slick. However, corrosion can cause major issues in vehicles, damaging electrical circuitry and causing fires. Cases have already been reported due to such defects in GM vehicles that caused fires.

While we can easily blame a car manufacturer, it’s typically the parts manufacturer that is at fault in these cases because they provide a product that becomes defective in several makes and models. However, vehicle manufacturers deal with the major effects of recalls.

Has anyone been injured?

Surprisingly, only a few people have reported injuries throughout the tremendous number of recalls. However, this does not mean injuries cannot occur at this time. Some recalls are still ongoing and some are being investigated by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. Injuries are still prone to occur when defective vehicles are driven without knowledge of risk.

When an injury does occur as a result of such a defect, the vehicle manufacturer is at fault. Vehicle owners can claim compensation for the injuries they have sustained and for damage of their vehicle and personal belongings.

How can you take action if hurt?

Taking legal action against a vehicle manufacturer is possible if you’ve been injured, but you want the help of a personal injury lawyer who specializes in product liability as well. Such a lawyer can help you settle your claim with the manufacturer for the amount of compensation you need.

The most important part of the claiming process is to act fast. Most people wait too long to contact a lawyer, thus forgoing the amount of time they have to settle. If you have been injured and you are not at fault for the injury, then you can claim compensation from the manufacturer at fault.

A personal injury lawyer will guide you through the steps of the claiming process and some will even meet with you at no charge. Find a lawyer in your area who is respected and reputable as you claim compensation for such injuries.