Toning Shoes can put you in a Wheelchair

Over the past several decades, the lives of individuals residing in the United States have become increasingly hectic. Work, school, and other obligations mean that people do not have the same amount of time to exercise and recreate as they did in the past. Unfortunately, this inactivity—combined with poor eating styles and certain genetic factors—means that more and more people are becoming overweight or obese. While there are a number of ways in which weight can be managed, the use of products which tout an ability to produce rapid weight loss, such as toning shoes, is increasingly popular. Individuals who are interested in the use of these shoes should have a solid understanding of the product, as well as their acute and chronic health risks before making a purchase.

When it comes to understanding the dangers of toning shoes, having a basic comprehension of their design is often considered to be essential. In most cases, toning shoes are designed with a rocking base that is specifically intended to be unstable. By decreasing the stability of athletic or casual shoes, shoe designers believe that users will be required to engage muscles in their abdomen and lower back to a greater extent. Increased muscle engagement has been found to lead to calorie burn, which is associated with gradual weight loss.

While there are some benefits associated with the use of toning shoes, their risks are quite significant. Though some of the dangers linked to these products—including turned ankles and joint pain—may be relieved with rest and relaxation, others are quite severe. In fact, the American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine reports that toning shoes can be a major risk factor for falls, especially in those who have poor balance, weak lower body muscles, a history of vertigo, or chronic ankle instability.  When these falls occur in an elderly individual or someone with weakened skeletal tissue, a serious break or fracture is likely to occur. Recovery from a fall associated with toning shoes can take several months, and may require the use of a wheelchair or other assistive device, physical therapy, and even major surgery.

Obviously, toning shoes can be quite dangerous—and the complications associated with their use are very noteworthy. Relying on the use of a wheelchair following a bone break or fracture can make driving, working, and even completing the activities of daily life exceedingly difficult, if not all-out impossible. Even when a wheelchair is no longer needed, pain and physical impairment may still remain for several months or even years. Instead of turning to toning shoes, then, most individuals are encouraged to lose weight and build muscle in the old-fashioned way—through diet and exercise. Thought this process may be more difficult and timely, the risks associated with the activity are relatively minor. People who have questions about diet and weight loss may want to consider consultation with a registered dietitian, physical therapist, or other member of their health care team.

If you have been injured because of the use of toning shoes, you may have a case to help compensate for the injuries you sustaining.  Janet, Jenner & Suggs, LLC is a toning shoe injury law practice with firms located in North Carolina, South Carolina, and Maryland.  For more information, visit the website at